risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

So, come on and transfer what you have to my 74:40 Clean Baldy colony, to help me get the resources for my upgrade!

haha, finally some good pillages

I just tore through 96 slingers with half as many swordsmen and a couple rams. scored 7 ships of goods from that one.

Then another the battle was much easier and I’m coming back with 12 ships.
1700ish wine and 800ish each crystal and marble and 2400 gold.

what was the military score of the guy with that many slingers?

were you the one that doesnt have mozilla??

im the one that does not have mozilla

I think he was around 13,000 but it may have been less, hes at 6,000 now with 23 slingers left.

I also got 15,000 gold from that town

does anyone play anymore… i like this game but it just takes forever to get things going

I’m still playing. The game does slow down a shitload. I went from checking it every couple hours to about 2 or 3 times a day. Sometimes less.

still playing on kappa… saving for 5th colony

Side note I’m ranked #13 on server 1 of Wild Guns.

I’ve got my 5th colony set up, and 45 trade ships. My towns have 23 action points which I use constantly to pillage everyone.

I had a full out war with a full alliance by myself, and won. Idiots didnt understand battles… and kept sending 20 ships at a time to be decimated by my 34 flamethrowers. They kept trying to arrange an assault, but instead of sending the ships to arrive together, they sent em an hour apart and my fleet just kept killing em all!

My walls gave me a 110% bonus to defense, as did my workshop upgrades! LOL

They finally all sent me a “can we have a treaty now?” LOL

Vile, why are you on Kappa???

I still play, gave up on wild guns and moved to Tanoth.

was banned from lambda for multiple accounts :frowning:

I’m still playing, not as much now. Check it every 2-3 days or so.

Found it too cumbersome to manage multiple colonies, playing wild guns.

i need wine and lots of it… if someone can send me some 32:52… my post is a level 15 and i cant find any around

I just sent you 3000 but it won’t be there for 12 hours.

thats fine …do you want anything?

Dam this game takes forever. Still though seems fun.

yea I am at the point where basically I am just waiting on all the long term researches, just looking to start my second marble colony as well…that should give me something to do

i gave up on research.