risk + simcity with a pinch of civilization for good measure

The guy next to my island keep pillaging my new colony,
if anyone can do something to this guy,it’s greatly appreciated.
Thanks, looks like he’s in a alliance.

dinoslave from FURY VenusPeaks

Home town: FURY VenusPeaks

Gold in town: 198313

Building material in town: 24775

Wine in town: 1507

Marble in town: 3199

Crystal glass in town: 7690

Sulphur in town: 766

14 Phalanx
1 Catapult
2 Ram
1 Doctor
3 Archer
40 Flamethrower
47 Ballista Ship
6 Catapult Ship
5 Paddle-Wheel-Ram

yes im also getting attacked… this guy has attacked me 15 times in 24 hours … i have sent a ticket and he will be getting booted from the game… these people suck… if it happens one more time im going to start over and try to get closer to everyone else… i just dont want to start over … im at level 22 on my town and such

hour later edit: so i just got attacked buy the same guy 15 times since the last update … nice

You could always, abandon one of your colonies, and then rebuild it over by me and Baldy.

Num is only like a few hours away and there are two others in the alliance right by us as well.

can i build that far away?

my crystal island has a lot of openings 65:66

twkid, that guy has over 200k military score. hmm he would be a tough one to fight.

I could probably knock off his navy, but I would have to send everything I have at him, leaving myself completely defenseless.

Not to mention, he’s quite a ways away and he gets home field advantage with his town wall boosting his defense (for his ground troops anyway).

Send him a message and ask him to stop. Just be nice about it. If someone’s a jerk with me, I keep on pillaging. If they kindly ask me to stop, usually I do.

You can build as far away as you want. As long as your in the same server, your golden.

haha so dude that was attacking me did not relize that i had 3 other towns … well i showed up to him with 20 gunmen from each town … i got a email from " _Diplomat of FUSION _" asking me to pull away all my men and stop… i sent back asking if he was kidding. but i did avd that his friend he will be banned from the game for attacking me to much

You should tell him you want every penny and resource back that he took. Whats his coords? I want to take a peek at him.

If you set up a colony around 64:68 you’ll be less then an hour from Num and about 1.5 hrs from Baldy and myself.

ok i just deleted that town i will be moving over to you soon…

does anyone want to start on the new “world”

edit: this is great everyone is level 1-3 and such…

world : MY
loc: 49:44
town name: just4door

I’m in too!

world: MY
loc: 48:42
name: Cheektavegas

That sucks that we both ended up on wine. Just for once I’d like to start out on marble.

44:43 Chadoios
2nd try

Ill try this for a bit, although not sure if I want to start all over again knowing how long it took to build up before.

what world?

this does not really matter b/c once we can get going it will be sweet … im going to blast as much as i can to the research

I’m already on two other servers and the one on Lambda is going good. I’m going to dump the one I have on Eta though.

you were on Eta to… ha i dumped that one about 3 weeks ago … this game gets ya

im pretty excited on the new world here


yea your right near us…

We’re in the same chain of islands. I’m on the southern most wine island.

nice, everyone on my island are still level 1, im now level 2 and top donor

and im under bobby on the other wine island

edit: just hit level 3 …yess

wow, forgot how long it takes to really get going, level 5 but running out of marble fast. Seems harder and harder to find places with low military to attack.