Rochester Area. stolen hre wheels

+1, you know it wasn’t me, I would have left the car on 4 jack stands and put a junk tire under each rotor.

But I would have taken the brakes too ::)))

Sry again…hope they turn up. :sword:

yeah thieves are gay. i would at least bring 4 jackstands so i didnt ruin the car. but then again i wouldnt be stealing wheels in the first place.

yeah i bought a GLH that had wheel locks on the stock wheels. i tapped a HF impact socket over the rounded lock and twisted it right off. took less than a minute per lock.


it takes the extra time of one hit with a hammer to get a lock off

I’m glag in the second page of this a few people knew that wheels locks mean shit.

A socket with that’s totally round inside but tapers smaller towards the back works perfect, better in my opinion than the one ultradriver showed.

That’s Dorschel.

and yeah MKV’s use wheel bolts, that sucks.

man i wish i would have known about that before.
i split a lug nut…locking one and the “only way” to get it off, says my mechanic, was to burn it off.

Shitty, Ill keep an eye out, I work in henn.

oh man, that really sucks. Definitely Dorschel. Id think they would need to cover them, maybee not tho.

Ill keep an eye out too and spread the word…


Exactly. There are kits with an assortment of different size sockets and patterns specifically made for getting off wheel locks from different manufacturers. I have a set at my work, not difficult at all to remove most wheel locks. However, atleast having one set on there is better than nothing regardless if they can be beat or not.

all of those methods arent working with the Older style wheel locks.
tho it would work on tuner luqs, its nto working on the old style wheel locks.

Tuner lugs FTL

Odds are they’ve already been sold. People that steal shit like that usually already have a buyer lined up before they grab it.

Not always. When Toda’s Volks were stolen from Hybrid the guy that did it was rolling around the west site with them on his car, the moran.

I’m going to call inside job as well on this…

I feel really bad for what happened but why the hell is he driving around this time of year with those wheels on it? Makes no sense to me…

that sucks… agreed with the others on inside job with this one

damn…that sucks. My car is just sitting outside right now with my G-Games Wolf 77 rims on. Had some guy leave a msg on the car that he wants to buy them. I think Im going to remove them tonight and put the stockers back on until Im ready to drive the car.

yes they do, thats what i have had to use, shit we have used vise grips to get wheel locks off before, all you need is strength

Wow that sucks, not my style of wheel but those aren’t cheap wheels.


You must have been using some shit ass Walmart locks then.
A vice grip would not bite into the stuff I have seen. Vice grips would fold and dull right out. Half of the time there is no room to get a Vice Grip into a recessed hole anyway.

that is incredably shitty

gotta agree…

i’d be suprised if the dealership covered it.

that is shitty though