
Don, I’d like to apologize to you for being a poop-face in the Natives are Restless thread.

the one downtown sucks, 2lanes ftl

love em

<3 them

I like the parkway ones a lot, more for the aesthetic than the functionality though

I like the small roundabouts. Thought the ones in Hamburg would be a nightmare, but I actually like them. Less lights to sit at. But give anyone too much space and too many roads intersecting, and the morons will fuck it up. I hate the one downtown because people just drift and cut across lanes without looking, pull out in front of you, etc.

My only gripe with all roundabouts is getting stuck behind the pussy driver who is afraid to enter the thing when there is any car anywhere near it. OMG just fucking GO already!

Love them. I hope they build more.

poll needs a “meh” option.

there is a TED video where the person claims that roundabouts save a bunch of millions of dollars in gas, time, safety per roundabout… still dont care.

We could just talk about socks instead… :slight_smile:

I like them. Fun to take quickly in a car… I’ve had a few close calls of people damn near running me over on my r6.

My company has a division that strictly deals with Roundabouts and is actually the leader in Roundabout design in North America. I do a lot of operation comparison for them providing a capacity analysis of the intersection if it was signalized. They then take that and compare to a Roundabout and provide the results to the City, Town or Region to show difference between the two. But a roundabout usually wins especially when the safety factor comes into effect. A 4 leg roundabout has 8 points of contact where a 4 leg signalized intersection has 32.

Btw just for reference (not that anyone is really gunna give a fuck), there is a difference between a Roundabout and a traffic circle. Learn something new today.

The ones I go through throw a lot of people off. There are 2 lanes coming into them and the circle itself is wide enough for 2 cars but there are not lines painted in the circle to differentiate the lanes. When it does happen to be busy people go in 2 wide then it’s a free for all due to the lack of direction from the road paint.

Is a roundabout only 1 lane since the speed is supposed to be low? Are traffic circles 2 lanes? It that an easy was to distinguish the two?

Love em, but hate the fucking retards that make me yell at them because they have no idea what to do.

I love roundabouts.
I hate the people that I have to use them with.

The concept is genious and VERY EASY to follow! What astounds me is how people don’t get how they work…

The new one on Aero drive almost got me sideswiped yesterday. I was in the circle coming from Genessee, heading around to go towards the tunnel and a guy in a truck coming from Aero, from the right, just gunned it right as I was getting to his “lane” and I had to quickly brake or I’d have ran into the side of him. He literally didn’t even look for traffic, as if he didn’t know there was even a traffic circle…

What part of “Yield to traffic in the circle” don’t people understand? Or, did they miss that part of driving school and are clearly just ignorant idiots…?

The problem with the Aero drive one is that for the Aero drive people coming from Transit, it doesn’t appear that you’re entering a circle. It’s a completely straight entry… so, if you don’t notice the “CIRCLE AHEAD” or “YIELD” sign, you’ll just run right into traffic coming into the road!


Anyone ever driven on the rotaries in Boston? What a fucking nightmare. You either have to take it upon yourself to cut someone off or end up driving around/waiting to enter all day, the Massholes will never let you over.

People need to be better informed about how they’re supposed to behave at these types of traffic controls, but I love them.

I like them.
When I used to work on GI, we would ride on lunch and somehow end up making a few rounds at the beaver island entrance.

I also try to e-brake turn surry circle in tonawanda when it’s wet.

I love roundabouts. They built a new one on GI at the end of the boulevard by timmy hos. It would always be a clusterfuck in the morning with all the people going for theircoffee/trying to get on the 190, now its awesome.

Generally either can have more than one lane. From my experience a basic way that I use to distinguish the two from each other is, entering a traffic circle you generally enter at an angle of 80 – 90 degrees, with a roundabout you enter at a 45 – 75 degree angle. Traffic circles are usually used on local low speed roads, where roundabouts are used on arterial higher speed roads. Of course there are going to be ones that don’t follow these guidelines, and those could be an older design or where space is restricted. But again it all depends.

Also for my opinion I love them. Unfortunately last time I checked, here in Ontario they don’t teach you how to use a roundabout/traffic circle when getting your driver’s licence. People have no idea what they are doing half the time. For example there are traffic circles near my girlfriends dad’s house and I’ve almost got t-boned because people don’t know that you must yield to traffic in the circle. They actually thought that the road with higher priority can just pass though without stopping or yielding. If that was the case they wouldn’t have made the intersection this way, they would have made it a two-way stop.