RPI Fall Autocross(es)

Ca monnnnnn, run it rain or shine. Tight 1st gear course in rain = hilarious. Do it.

Sadly, it’s not my judgment call :bowdown

i might be able to make this Saturdays. Sunday im not sure… I might still be drunk

Engineer14teg (Jeff?) these auto-X events are only for RPI students and Alumni due to insurance purposes. At least until Spring semester. The club president is currently trying to change that, but it looks like it won’t happen this semester. Sorry guys.

Also, sorry we made the call on Saturday (not like it would’ve mattered), it looked fine at 8:30am, but then it showered down at 9am so we had to make a call and decided to cancel. We are not allowed to run with any standing water by noon. Then Sunday we just decided running at SCCA would be better anyways.

I would fail you if you’re missing a lug nut. Sorry.


Edited :wtf

Good to know you’re on here too Mike!

Sorry. I promise we’ll try hard to change it.

yeah I guess more people know about Shift than i thought…

I went last semester and it wasnt a problem at all…

Someone noticed…

:idiots :headbang Not smart.

Hey all,

As the current president of the RPI Autocross, and I can finally put an end to this post. We do not allow non-rpi students to run at these events. If anyone was allowed to in the past, it was the risk of the previous president and the lawsuit would have been his problem, not the institutes. Since I do not have the millions to dish out if that were ever to happen, the ruling stands. NO OUTSIDE PARTICIPANTS. I know the SCCA guys and other car clubs will continue to have bad blood about this, but we can’t get the coverage. When we do, things may change. I’m sorry for any outside confusion on this issue (from non-credited sources), but we have little say in the matter. Sorry about the situation and thanks for your understanding.

  • Atom

w. tungsten, which car were you in in the SCCA event (I’m assuming you were there with Jeff, Spencer, Michael (pretty sure that’s his name, red SR20DET 240sx) and all of them…) ?

lol. I am michael :tong

last name is Tung

I’m Ryan, last name is Kramer ;D

Are you going to be staying local next summer? I’d have no problem seeing your 240 kick the back end out at the SCCA auto x events next year like you did yesterday on the loop-dee-loop before the finish :nod :lol

My bad at misleading you guys. Just as Atomic-Bunni has stated, the RPI autocrosses are strictly for RPI members. Sorry :idiots

Jeff or Michael, can you get me this Presidents Contact Information?

Im one of the Head members of the HVCC Auto club (that no one knows we have) and I need some information regarding liability waivers.

Any of you HVCC students, keep your eves open starting next semester for HVCC AutoCrosses :wink:

Im talking to the Head of the automotive department and the dean of the school this week.

Ryan, it’ll depend on where I get an internship.

Nick: his name is Adam galbra@rpi.edu

Thanks. Ill email him.



nick keep me posted on HVCC autocross events once you get some more info

well im going to try and start them. It wont be till spring if We get the OK to do so. Ill make a new thread when the time comes, and im sure there will be flyers around the school.

Heres some pics from this weekends Double Header at RPI
