Dear Friends,
First of all I hope that all of you had a great summer, it felt very short for us, and the fall is allready here. Which means winter yes our wonderful winter is on our doorstep.
As you are aware we get bombarded with snow and salt, which cause extreme damage to our vehicles.
Once again it is time for RUST PROOFING!!!
This year I decided to honour once again the same low low price, as we have in the past, with a workmanship and service second to none.
Even though the cost of our materials have increased, your patronage, friendship and kindness has remain the same.
That being said specials are as follows:
only 90 dollars for an entire 2 door vehicle, including coupes and hatches.
only 95 dollars for any 4 door car, any make and model.
only 105 for minivans
only 110 for large minivans
suvs and pickup trucks just slightly extra.
We are proud to be part of your club, we are proud to be affiliated, and most of all we are greatful for the wonderful words and recommandations you offer when it comes to our centre.
appoinment is necessary
it takes about 1 hour to complete
YES you get a free car wash as well
drilling required, all though we use existing factory plugs, we MUST drill to ensure complete coverage of all car pannels
it does drip, because it works
your interior is always left clean
DOES NOT VOID DEALERS or MANUFACTURES WARRANTIES: letters available upon request
ladies and gentlemen: you spend a little now, not even the price of 2 tanks of gas, but you save thousands in body work, and mechanical issues.
it works, ask your peers, call me or come and watch us do it.
1019 lakeshore road east
mississauga, ontario, L5E 1L6
north side of lakeshore, between cawthra road and dixier road.
905 278 2408
do not hesitate to ask questions and share your comments.
on behalf of the best Team in the world, myself and KrownLakeshore once again we trust we will exceed all your expectations.
Kindest Regards,
Igor Pogachnik,