I heard you had some left over from your arts and crafts class that you took during summer school '09, Wichee, you should give him some.
bringing it to him in the a.m. kwaaammaaaa
wat finger paint. wuttttttt
Clean the metal up, use some good etching primer, and some touch up paint. Or use a paint like Rustoleum or something made to fight rust.
spray on bedliner or something similar. Hit it with some POR tho. put on some rust inhibitor on it(akin ot POR or juse use POR) and then hit it with the bed liner. it should be pretty good protection from rock chips. use rubberized stuff. it tends to chip less, cuz its springy when rocks hit it.
omg wat?
what? too much?
easy La DUKE
Most of this thread :facepalm