S13 Coupe Build | Last Update: 20-May

stupid question: did you rattle can it or did you use a gun?

yeah definetly, if anything this was much harder than thats going to be. i had one portable flood light and 2 exposed light bulbs on the ceiling, I had to hold the floodlight in one hand and the gun in the other to see how wet it was going on :hang:

besides all the tight spaces and backwards angles made it really hard to get even coverage.

the outside should be much better becuase im planning on renting a booth to do it in. the only problem though is that I have not even started the body work so its going to take a while before i want to paint it

I used a gun, its bc/cc in the stock color (nissan hot red code: 526) The phone pics really make it look dull and orange though, rita lets me borrow her camera but she never gives me the cord so its going to be a few days before I can give you a pic that actually represents what it looks like

or better yet you could stop by and check it out, ill be around all day tommarow

nice Jim~

lol fucking han on forums. can’t believe it!

how about i come over after work tmrw, so around 5.

lol sounds good, ill pm you my # in case you dont have it anymore

Looking good. Can’t wait to see your car when its done!

looks so hott, im ganna check it out too ill give you a call 2marrow. now i know who is painting my car this summer:D

thanks dave, its not going to be looking like much at first though, mismatched body panels for most of the summer lol

haha sounds good man

Heres some better pics:


girlfriend snapped this glamour shot






all 4 on the ground :rofl:


now comes prepping and painting the interior :banghead:

did you paint the frame as well or no?

Looks real good with a real camera, too bad you didn’t clean up the crossmember, but you can always do that later with a little soap.

wow i like it… :tup:

keep it goin dude…looks great

motor is in!

thanks to moboost4u, arcticzap, 93gspecivic, 96v6bird and others, you guys made this alot easier than it would have been otherwise :skunk:

Thanks for letting me use the welder. I need to use it again. I welded one pipe on the wrong side of what it should been on. Need more help tomorrow?

haha, shit like that never works out the way you want. yeah feel free to come over whenever ill be working on it all day. ill probly start around noon or so.

looking good, how much more you doing before getting it on the road?

thanks dude, probobly another day or two, unless something unexpected comes up.

ive got to get an alignment before I can even drive it though :cockblock

so its been like over 7 months and I think its time for an update, S13 Coupe build thread part deux coming soon.

if u have 2 240s, you should sell one of them :wink:

yeah what the hell has been going on with this car? u loose intrest?