Because you buy FWD cars :lol:
Not all of them, besides my silly gay fwd honda was still faster than your lame fbods
Right but you know nothing about driving shit with light rear ends in the snow…
I drove my firebird with snows during a winter before it was fucking lame and it sucked.
Like someone already mentioned driving a soft top vert in the winter DESTROYS the top.
The vast majority of people who own these or have driven them think its a horrible idea to drive them in winter…If cheap chooch racing wants to drive it all winter long :tup: go for it.
way to go rugsr, had to bring up that guys car. 120 posts later lol…
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You’re an idiot and like arguing about anything and everything. It’s your car, you paid for it so do what you want with it. If I buy an s2k and don’t plan on dumping 12k+ as previously mentioned in it, leave it stock-ish then sure I would drive it all year. If I had another car on hand that didn’t cost me a thing then sure why not drive that during winter. If I didn’t have that car then I wouldn’t go out of my way to purchase something just to drive during winter IMO! I don’t give a shit about the top, I sure don’t give a flying fuck about the rear end being too “light” or any other bs. It’s a car, it’s replaceable if you’re an idiot and don’t know how to drive it like a cautious adult.
Also, I drove the E30 in some snow and it was a blast, pretty sure it was pretty damn light and I had no problem with that.
30k millionaires drive S2000s in winter…
it costs ~1k to buy a “winter beater” pretty sure anyone can afford one. Where’s your s2k you’ve been talking about for a couple years now?
Yeah S2k’s are nice but jesus christ you guys praise these damn cars like they are gold! It’s a ~10-15k car holy shit get over it.
Working on it other priorities…
If you ever want to compare assets, income, career or anything else let me know.
This… I took auto body in college. I know what salt does and I wish I never took that class before. I wouldn’t care how my cars looked if it wasn’t for that damn schooling.
Again, with the panels on the S and the amount of salt we get, these cars will get trashed pretty quickly if you do not keep up on cleaning them. That’s also taking into account you get every single nook and cranny in the car under the body, in the wells, in the jams…etc.
Reasons I garage my S for the winter. Because I have a Forester to slide around in and get me off the line faster than everyone else around me other than other awd cars. Because I took auto body and know what salt does to car. Because I know what wet snow sitting on a soft top can do. (It gets parked outside all season) And the best reason… Because I can.
If I lived in a location they used sand… this bitch would be out all year round. The fact we use salt, no thanks.
Lets also look at it this way. Yes, its a Honda… but its the best car Honda has built minus the NSX. Also the fact that you only an x amount were sold to the US and the fact that people keep totaling a car that set records and new standards for engines and drive terrain. The transmission is one of the best I’ve had the chance to drive. The fact its also a hot want by many car enthusiast. The longer you keep the car, the higher the lowest value will go up. More people will total them, molest them, not take care of them. That will only drive a price up on a car.
No one bought a car in the 70s thinking that the car today could be worth $200,000. I’m not saying that the S will ever even come close to that price… but who is to say I cant make more money that what I even spent on the car, after having all the fun I’ve had.
---------- Post added at 11:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 AM ----------
I’m going against this. 1k these days is hard to find a winter beater that will pass inspection or even survive the entire season. You are probably tossing it away after the season is done if you did find one. This might have been true about 5-10 years ago. I’d say a good rule of thumb is about $2k to be comfortable and know you wont be dishing more money out that season.
Meh, maybe when I’m a decade older to match up to your age :lol:
You’re 19? :lol:
I wonder how this argument plays out on Corvette forums.
I already stated that I don’t not drive my car in the winter because its an s2000. I dont drive it because it is not practical. You can barely even go grocery shopping with it…
In fact, the amount you save on taking it off of the road, getting a dd would probably even itself out or be close to it. And you wouldn’t be ruining your car. It takes about 2 years of Winters to screw up a car so if your car turnover rate is high and you don’t plan on keeping it for long sure drive it in winter. However a majority of the people that are going to buy it from you are going to care so it will lose resale value.
Im sure you know this but early ap1s have plastic windows and do not defrost and will not stay clear. Not only now do you not have a rear window but the entire top is a hige blindspot in itself.
But sure if you want to drive an s2000 in the winter just to say you did it, or some how thinking it pisses off other owners you’re wrong lol.
At least when you sell it someone else will be able to drive it for cheaper due to the damage.
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Sounds oh so familiar lol <3
I’d go against them saying the same argument. More Corvettes are purchased and to many model types. If it were a z06 or a zr1, that’s different.
The guy that drives the red one, is driving to kill it. He isn’t looking to resell it. Some people like myself are not looking at it really for resale as much as it is I want to keep this car for years upon years because I love driving it. miles are not a concern to me right now… body condition is for the long duration.
BTW, the no rear window is a dumb claim. People drive work vans and other vehicles that have no rear windows, no back side windows, only the front and 2 side windows like our car. I can barely see at night out the windows in my Forester due to tint on them.
Fresh snow/lack of salt is one thing. also a car that’s got how much that can actually rust on it? lol
Edit: either way, hes my hero for making this!
He got rid of it for 430 Scuderia and a GT2 :lol:
I need to acquire those kind of problems
i know that you have probably driven a ton of work vans and other vehicles with no side windows or back windows but vehicles with no back windows have extended mirrors that are angled to view behind the vehicle. last time i checked s2000s dont have extended mirrors. lets tape a towel over your back window and let you drive around all day and see how well you do.
i’ve seen people drive with 2 donuts on their car on the thruway. does it mean it’s safe? does it mean it’s ok for me to do it?
You have pretty terrible logic all of the time.
didn’t you smash your whole entire front end up on your s2000, and roll over your previous subaru ? perhaps you’re one not to be talking about other people not being able to drive or handle their cars.
LOL. Well when drving in almost ever snow storm on the 219 due to having to teach snowboard lessons and doing 70 most the time on snow covered highways, I’m surprised I haven’t had more accidents, let alone gone into ditches. But the only 1 single time I’ve ever put a car into a ditch, it flipped… hey, cant always win.
Also the whole entire front of the car… no, a rip in the bumper with no need of repairing anything at all besides the bumper… foam was perfectly fine. Yeah completely don’t know how to drive. Also the fact that there was a line of traffic and a lady went into oncoming traffic to get into the turn lane… again another great way to try and prove my driving sucks.
My plastic window is horrible and I never look out it. I couldn’t tell you the cars plate behind me or what make/model it is most the time. And with how short the ass end is on this car… turn the mirrors and you can see just fine whats behind you. You also can look before getting in the car to know what you have behind you. Its not that difficult, JUST NEED TO LEARN YOUR CARS.
oh and the Subaru… black ice, cant prevent that either.