S2000 vs Porsche Cayenne Turbo

I normally work out of NYC, but worked out of CT yesterday.

So I got to drive my car to work.

I usually get out of work around 6ish, but yesterday was busy and we were down 2 guys, so i didn’t leave until 7:15, when traffic on the 95 isn’t bad at all.

Anyway - there’s a section of this highway which is always congested for apparently no reason. There was no accident, no debris on the road, no nothing. People just drive really slow around it. There’s a slight grade and a very easy gradual bend. That’s the only logic I can form for the slowed traffic besides “most people suck at driving.”

So I gotta take a piss, real bad. I’m not weaving through lanes or anything, but I do change lanes a couple times. I drive by a Porsche Cayenne Turbo. Not one, but 2. They are EVERYWHERE around here.

Apparently the one thought that me changing lanes = me wanting to race… because as soon as the traffic let up, he was on my ass like white on rice. I was going pretty friggin’ fast too.

Downshifted into 3rd (yes, 6th to 3rd Jeremy) and waited for him to switch to the open middle lane.

There’s his blinker and he’s off. Holy shit that motor behind me started SCREAMING. I heard his motor over my loud ass 2.0L in VTEC(H) lol.

Thing pulls pretty fucking hard at 80.

I let him get up to my back fender before I really mash the gas and he creeps up to where we are around even.

End of 3rd results in me reclaiming my small fender.

Lay into 4th, he pulls a tiny bit when i shift, but then it’s weight starts to drag the thing down, middle of 4th I was making a steady albeit slow pull, by around 130 (with the top down it gets kinda windy) I was looking at a car and a half - probably more like 2 cars.

Let off the gas and brake down to 75, he slows down too (instantly, might I add, which is completely surprising for a truck of that heft) and he cruises next to me and we gave each other a thumbs up.

I tell him to gun it with my “index finger point forward” then “palm down as if it was pressing the gas pedal.”

Does a little autotragic downshift and WoooooooAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH that thing was OUT. It’s amazing seeing an SUV fucking boogie down the highway like that. It sounds awesome too.

All in all, it was fun. Don’t get to run those things too often.

did you get his digits?

lol nice :tup:

god damn… i’ve seen mayyyyybe two around here

good run, nice read :tup:

And think, it only cost him about 3 times as much in gas as you. Heh.

I love those things. So unnecessarily fast.

The Cayenne Turbo S is even quicker. :ohnoes:

did he have passengers? Your 98mph trap should not beat his 103 trap…esp if he gets the jump. He should have put 2-3 cars inbetween you by 110…then you would start to creep back up. Esp. since his gearing w/ tires is nearly identical to yours…

No, no passengers. Maybe he had some stuff in the back?


Do you think you may have had an aerodynamic advantage at 130?
Holy shit that beast must have been pushing a lot of air at 130mph!:biglaugh:
Did you get caught in his vortex?:biglaugh:

were u racing Carmella Soprano

nice run! :tup:



wow the stook almost got taken out by a cousin of the toureag

A very nasty cousin, this thing is like the Bettis of cousins.

Fast, nimble, huge, heavy.

hey any mods done to your s2k? not bad for a 2.0 engine those cayenne use the same engine as the carrera GT i believe, impressive.

bone stock

my fav suv=http://membres.lycos.fr/boudard/BMW/images/X3.jpg

mmmm BBS=secks

notice slicks yea. its powered by the BMW F1 V12. its nutty fast/and handles(like a BMW) very nicely