Sandy Hook Actors

One thing I wanna know, is explain to me how Fox news (number of THOUSANDS of people) , Rush Limaugh (sp?), Donald Trump, and every other supporter of the Republican party that goes after every far fetched piece of information in order to expose it and increase their chances next election such as Bengazi scandal, were told to “play along” with this “orchestrated government agenda”??? Besides that nobody talked in the news?

“Mass Media conspiracy” is just as likely to exist as any character from Men In Black. Besides the fact that it’s quite divided among political lines, it’s hard to keep a secret when 100 people know it, if you have thousands involved, it’s impossible. Not to mention all have to keep their story straight, which is hard enough for one person.

If these conspiracy theorists really want proof, they should drive to Sandy Hook, look at bullet holes and start talking to parents and cops, etc. I’m sure they will set them straight.

Not so much playing into a conspiracy here, but take a look at this video:

Pretty interesting…

Please Vlad… They covered up JFK no problem. No one held accountable and years later no one cares.

Yes because an event from 1960’s is directly comparable to today’s information and forensics age.

While we are going back in time there are plenty of people who believe moses parted the red sea too…

Plus you are compairing a presidential assassination with something that has yet to have a clear agenda other than an increase in gun sales. You want motive? Look at NRA if anybody.

You still didnt answer my question.

How is this blood thirsty divided media made to work with each other?

Are you actually proposing that Fox gets it’s news agenda from the Democratic president?

Stop comparing it to other events sit down and analyze this case specifically and listen to the bigger picture of what the conspiracy theorists are proposing.

It’s simply not feasable.

All i said is that i found an interesting video that i though people should watch. Some people thought it was funny, some thought it was interesting. Idk what happened, how it happened or why, something seems fishy to me thats all

Im just going to believe that one of the kids was named John Connor.

No one on this site knows for sure if its possible. Why argue it?

Because if there was an ounce of truth behind this at all Republicans would stick to it and get rid of all the Democrats in House/Congress and it would be the nations biggest scandal.

If Republicans were already in on this, they wouldn’t need a big shooting to propose laws as together with Democrats they would have the majority of vote to pass whatever they want.

Putting any thought behind this makes the conspiracy theory ridiculous.

How about this crazy theory. Crazy unbalanced kid who was home schooled and mommy issues shot her up and the kids that she loved more than him?

Thats deeeeeep man.

Wow Vlad, I never considered you as a sheep but apparently you are.

Who said the Republicans would be behind it? You really think organizations in our government can’t do things under the radar of politicians, law enforcement and media?

c’mon, seriously? NRA has nothing to gain. the only one with something to gain from a government scandal / hoax would be the government, and the agenda they want to push. I’m not saying this is true or not true, i’m not one of those people who believe everything they see and think 911 was a conspirace theory. All i’m pointing out here is that everything you say is just soo far left i can’t take anythign you say seriously

Yeah Vlad the deepest part is that they’ve found since the day of the shooting that his mother didnt work at the school… Keep drinking the kool aid my friend

Hi Steve Goat.

I thought it was rather self explanatory but you require further comprehension…

I proposed TWO scenarios. Either they are behind it or they are not. If you can come up with a third one you let me know.

If they were not aware of this as you propose and there is some truth behind this being a major cover up from the Democratic party to push their agenda then they can use this as the biggest national scandal just about ever. Much bigger then Bengazi which they have been talking about for months and calling it “The new Watergate” “Biggest coverup ever” etc…

Lets just say it’s like Bruno getting news that Spitzer is playing around with questionable females and him NOT going after Spitzer with that information… cause you know that has happened … never.

Edit: I’m still waiting for somebody to explain to me how they got Fox news to be part of this major media coverup by apparently the Democrats and their agenda.

Edit x2:

You really think organizations in our government can’t do things under the radar of politicians, law enforcement and media?
Two questions: What organizations would that be exactly? And what would be their agenda if not political? :ponder

Im still waiting for you to explain why you think his mother worked at the school? It’s 3 week old news that she didnt. She was loaded and recieved $12,500 a month in payment from her ex for child report. Her job was too watch her son around the clock because he couldn’t be left alone. I guess his name is Adam Lanza

I never followed that too close. If I’m wrong on the mother working there…

Crazy theory #2 “A home schooled unbalanced kit shoots mother and random kids”. *corrected

Now your turn to explain my questions…

I told you im not here to answer questions dude. I said something is up and i still believe that. If you didnt even know that the mother didnt work at the school than you are not paying attention to anything thats going on with this. You believe what you want and so will I.

RIP John

Technically, she did work at the school. *She was a kindergarten class volunteer…

*according to some reports.


Thanks for posting that :crackup

Oh this is gold.

The biggest conspiracy theory site I could find that believes in just about everything is calling this a retarded theory.

I sincerely hope that if any of the many many people in CT are ATS members or happen across this…they understand the sentiments here are absolutely NOT shared by everyone here.

I’m personally up for almost anything in conspiracies…really…I even wonder about Admiral Cook and a Hollow Earth theory sometimes…but those are harmless theories. These are grieving parents in a land of hurt I hope none of us ever has to know. I knew a level of grief I didn’t know existed when my father died. These people are many many levels beyond that. A child expects to someday bury their parents. No parent should ever have to expect and prepare for the day they bury their own child.

I think their behavior, while odd from the outside, isn’t odd to them at all. They truly are, mentally, in a reality that isn’t QUITE the one we have right now…and I guess I’m happy in at least seeing some don’t know how deep that well of pain can be, to even relate to the basics of how these folks are acting.

These threads are insulting. There are a lot of inconsistencies with the story, but these are not actors. I truly hope these poor people never read any of this drivel.

And if the OP is so convinced of their inane conspiracy, then he or she should pay those parents a visit and question them to determine any validity in the nonsense being espoused in this thread. This is the big issue I have with certain people who post to ATS – they would never have the balls to put their real name and face to some of the rubbish, offensive in this case, posted.

Another note on the “actor” garbage: so many suggest that the man’s deep breaths are him ‘getting into character’. I have done a fair amount of acting. No actor gets into character just as they are about to deliver a scene. Even a terrible actor will work themself into character before they are ever on stage or in front of the camera, and definitely not just as they are to deliver a scene. They may break character and have to get back into it at some point, but they dont walk on cam, and THEN get into character. Period.

Furthermore, if someone were hiring actors in a situation like this, would they not hire actors with enough talent as to not break character on cam?

And many more.

It’s conspiracy tin hat people calling people who believe this sheeple. I can’t make this up :rofl

Must go deeper.