Sandy Hook Actors

Btw Vlad…red sea was parted…said jews did escape the desert. Just sayin’

There a perfectly good scapegoat as far as I’m concerned…

anyone can google something and quote other no-name people who agree with them

Which is exactly how these shitty theories get started.

This should keep some of you retards busy for a while. The origin of the Sandy Hook actors conspiracy:

Have fun!


Look at this gem lololololololololol


Case closed people.


no clue maybe this

watch 2:30- 2:50


watch 2:30 - 2:50

Thats what site owners do anyway :slight_smile:

The issue is misdirection… there are abovious, and even expected inconsistancies when stories break… but, there are definately some things with sandy hook that are strange, and we just dont know why.

The “actors” thing is redicilous…and gets us off the real questions that are valid that the media doesnt address… afew questions I think an investigative reporter should look into:

Whos Christopher Rodia and why was adam in his car… could be simple, could be friend of mom, but find out.

Ballistics, which guns were really used and what was found where… just because the new laws focus on the AR, we should know.

Why are the families no where to be seen (likely in morning)

Did the families get to see the bodies, or just picture? Curious, but could understand… but surely all couldnt have been that bad.

Theres just more to the story and either no one is looking, no one is talking, or there is, likely, some amount of cover up…but what and why? The answers dont have to be sinister.

There are many more questions that should be answered,and there is virtually no new stories since the shooting.

Here’s the one i get stuck on. This retard kid goes into a school and kill 26 people… Was he a hell of a marksman or is there a reason there isn’t any wounded? No little johnnies on TV being called courageous and heroes because they survived this? He ha had a mortality rate of 100%?

600 kids were in that school. Why on the news did you see the same 30 to 49 kids the whole day, they showed the same shots.

Who waste guy in the woods that the cops had in the prone position and took into custody? Second “shooter”? Janitor? Who was he?!

The actors thing is a bit far fetched but when i woke up that morning that was really the first time that i had heard anything funny about this thats why i posted it.

Now that ive looked from other angles and read and watched a boatload of info , something is up…

Yes and the dude Rodia, his car was used by Lanza, hes been arrested 5 times and was released in 0 bond with a promise to appear in court, then took off to Florida, but left his car in CT in the hands if Lanza?

Maybe he was plowing Nancy? LOL, who knows… but the kid put several shots into a lot of the kids, that’s probably why the mortality rate was so high. There WERE 2 wounded survivors, one was a teach named Natalie Hammond, and the other they never released the name.

And did anyone know these people…no news really with friends of family…and why was all the activity at the firehouse and how did the bodies get there?

Theres a million questions, and perhaps a million legit answers… my guess is there are some secrets here!

Yah i agree. Supposedly they said they were supposed to take the bodies one day, then took them the night before. So all these media outlets there and no one saw 26 bodies whisked away?

You gotta make up your mind if you want actual discussion on this and pick things you have issues with instead of asking questions that contradict themselves.

Do you believe people were actors?

Do you believe there were actual dead kids?

Do you believe news were involved in this conspiracy?

Do you believe it’s bypartisan or just Democratic or some other random agency as ninetyone240 is suggesting?

Tell me what you think and then I’ll go through that and show you why this fails just like any conspiracy does once you start asking logical questions about the theory.

EI: if there are no bodies than there are no parents with dead children, there were no wakes, there was no examination at the hospital, there are empty graves burried in the ground and a whole lot of people paid off to keep this a secret - IE every single first responder cop, medic and fire fighter, everybody in the hospital, news stations etc.

Conspiracies don’t hold up to scrutiny. It’s easy to ask questions and propose theories. It’s hard to back them up as you need evidence. Otherwise it’s just a grownup version of a gossip magazine.

It doesn’t help with the questions but websites like United Way Sandy Hook donation support page was created 3 days BEFORE the shooting happened and Sandy Hook Elementary Victims’ Fund on gofundme was created a full day before the shooting occurred.