Sandy Hook Actors

Some shit is definitely FUCKED up here.

My friend lives 15 minutes from the school and knows people who lost their kids and were directly effected. So fuck you.

If you did some quick research you’d find an explanation. But we never look for what we don’t want to find right? Bc conspiracies are exciting.

I’m sure that the government just made a little mistake and the guy that was in charge of making that fake website was like “ah fuck it, I’ll just make it a few days earlier so I don’t forget. No one will notice” LOL

So why don’t you school all of us on the explanation instead of inserting smartass quotes?

x2…curious to hear some facts for once

vlad you need to research jane akre if you think they news can’t legally lie to us. and im not taking sides on this one

I’m well aware that news can legally lie to us, ironically that case was revolved around Fox news.

You’re missing the point. The question is not whether or not news lies, but the claim is that ALL news organizations were told what material to deliver and how to deliver it by allegedly Democratic party without anybody objecting or speaking out against it.

THAT is the claim that is questioned.

Fuck yourself

I know the case lol. And I hate to believe it but I honestly wouldnt be suprised if they were told what to report for anything. They all seem to ignore the real problems and just give us stories that creates feelings of difference or fear.

Keep in mind that “they” isn’t 3 organizations and 3 brains.

It’s tens of thousands of people just like you and me that get hired and work there.

There is no FBI background check and contract signed at the date of hire saying you promise to tell lies and obey government instructions.

And even if that was the case, why are news networks so polar on issues all the time? Shouldn’t they be selling one dictated message down to us?

The theory of media being “in on this conspiracy” is just false or they would always be selling us the same message.

In Russia there was a government controlled newspaper under the title of “Truth” and it was very clear of what their message always was and all the articles always seemed to have the same tone, no matter what agency or news network. That’s what the real government owned news are like.

Who picks the stories that the tens of thousands of employees produce to be played on nbc affiliates or fox? I’m not saying that all news stations are part of a conspiracy, just said based on the stories that I see on all the news stations that I wouldn’t be suprised if they were there to create seperation between the citizens. plus they dont legally have to tell us the truth, that should honestly be enough to not believe a word they say.

Separation is clearly their point. Often politically and special interest driven. But as soon as politics gets involved it rules out the Government as a single agent. It’s more like a bipolar crazy person, who wants to do two opposite things and can’t decide which one to pick.

Hence the recent/everpresent fiscal issues.

Two party system rules out the Government as a single agent as it’s constantly divided for the interest of either half.

If one half gets what it wants and the decision is made the other half does not hesitate to act like 10 year old baby and cry “unfair”.

If Government was really a single agent with a single mentality wouldn’t be easier to just pass a legislation with a majority vote instead of going through a shooting melodrama as a means to an end? This brilliant plan doesn’t seem to be working so far no matter how many shootings and bombings happen every year that are “organized by the government”.

Maybe one time they will get a planned shooting right and get to their agenda…

if the government was one single agent and it actually represented what the people want then it might be fine, problem is absolute power corrupts absolutely right? The 2 party system is just facism holding a puppet saying look theres opposition see!??

here ya go vlad… lol… easy
