Ya know, I say this to people all the time, and I often get rolling eyes from the people I tell this to. So annoying. and then they come auto-x and and totally agree with me later on.
Who are you kidding - you are just like me and would drive like that all the time if you could afford new hoosiers ever two weeks…
Ok, what things do i need to participate, i see helmets, do i need one? can i borrow one from someone, other thigns
lols, I have said that before…if i ever hit the lotto, fuck buying a supercar, I’d just buy new hoosiers every week.
We have helmets, but if you have a M95 or SA95 or newer it is recommended.
General mantainence up to snuff. BATTERY TIE DOWN.
Clean everything out of your car, even floor mats.
Put your tires up to ~40 psi, you can lower them through out the day.
tomarows the day! gl to everyone who comes!
Its 95 or higher? i thought i read somehwere it 2000+?
next year it will be 2000+, but this year the 95’s are still good.
gotcha, so your better off just getting a newer one anyway then.