SCCA Solo II AutoX Novice School - 4/22/06

How did I miss that? Thanks for fixing that for me.

Except for when you feel it’s necessary to do redline shifts up and down Wherle :bloated:

hey accelerating to speed limit is ok
This picture rocks! Awesome pictures, we might have found a cameraman for this season :wink:

The car in question…

1st gear - 3.133 — Est speed @ 9000rpm ~ 45mph

…and hard in the gas in second and still accelerating.

The speed limit on Wherle adjacent to the ECC-N parking lot 35 mph.

Still o.k. Chris?

Yeah, there are alot of great shots. I think the plan is already in the works for Ivan to be the official WNY photographer for this season.

it was a joke…remember those were his words when u braught it up

I thought his name was Long?

Long posted the link here… Sonik Empire took and hosted the pics. His name is Ivan.

i’m sure he would volunteer to be the official photographer for the season.

Alright guys, i am coming out with 6 friends in my conversion van and i plan to run it…yes i know it sounds rediculus, but it will also be hilarious and will look funny in the pictures. Is impossible to have any or all of them ride with me?

a conversion van would most likely have the tendency to flip instead of spinning out, therefor odds are you will not be able to run in it. There are only a small handfull of trucks even allowed to auto-x.

yea i dont think u will be able to run the Van…like Andy said usually only the compact pick-ups are allowed to run IE s-10s and Sonomas

Van = no dice. Sorry. As much as I would like to see it run, it would be “unsafe” to do so. Believe me, I would have run the timing truck through it once or twice if I could.

I have taken corners in this before very hard and it always slides, it has never come close to flipping. Since its a no-go…back to plan A with the Buick Lesabre

cornering hard on the street is nothing like a slalom…offset gate or hair pin turn around tryong to do it as fast as u can at AUTO-X…ill say it again…pushing ur car on the street is nothing like pushing it at auto-x


I don’t doubt that the van can go around corners quickly without flipping, so can my suv. The problem comes with transitions, like in this clip:

Same type of transitions we do all day long at in an autocross.

Yeah that shit was scary as hell in my 86 ranger. But man I have never had more fun in my life.

Yea i see what you mean about transitions, i have only swung it around corners going one way and got it to fishtail. So definately not gonna attempt that. I will stick with the buick for now.

Very good point JayS, because i also happen to be trying to sell this van:)