Screwdriver car key?

Was wondering if anyone has done this before. I plan on getting an extra key made and modifying it to fit into one of them stubby screwdrivers.


pretty sure there is a DIY on NICO…go search on there you will find it…might be on Zilvia not sure

why though? when you put it in your pocket you’ll have some random bump in your pants

He needs something to compensate for the lack of a natural bump.



I did it with a pen once…not sure why.
I bought a hollowed out stubby screwdriver handle at the local hardware store.

It can be done.

Use a fuel injector, or spark plug. niiiiice!

people on zilvia sell this for a lot… but apparently it only costs $30 or so.
i’m sure you can make it yourself with a mastercraft or whatever for cheaper though.

why don’t you just drill a stubby from the top, punch it through the other end, slot the hole (wide enough for your key) the driver used to be in with a file, and fill the hole you initially drilled with a cap and ring. <$10.

someone did it on a swiss knife or something similar

its all about the VW keys, flip out a like a shank

^ +1

Its all about infiniti’s and nissans

push start ftw :wink: