It’s kind of a funny story…but what i found really amusing was the commercial they were overlaying from the radio broadcast while this went on.
watch the video of the Seagull getting pegged by a pitch and pay attention to the audio around the 1:10 mark.
here’s your spicy chicken sandwich!
all i can think about is in major league when “soronto” ran out to center feild to pary over the dead bird
i saw this when they were talking about it on the news. they said the bird got up and flew away a little while later. aka…how did the hotdog taste?
“hey wait thats not a wendys chicken sammy”…its a buffalo seagull sammy
this happened to randy johnson a while back…and his pitching is toooo fast. The bird seriously exploded
That was insane!
I think it was a pigeon and it was a DIRECT hit too.
that bird was in the wrong mother fucking place place at the wrong mother fucking time.
yeah, there’s no way you can top the randy johnson one… the thought that That vid might be in here was the only reason i opened the thread
heh… saw on the news that the bird lived lol
was probably sore for a few days
I saw this clip all the way down here in Philladelphia.
They left it on a loading dock where it flew away some time later AKA, someone took a baseball bat to it and threw it in the trash