Sears craftsman RANT!

So i received a 150 piece socket set for my birthday 2 years ago… i unpacked it this week, and the tools are all corroded and ruined…

they were in the original case, and stored on a shelf in my garage for the past 2 years…

I call sears… who claims that “the first tools we produced in 1927 are still covered under our original warranty”

Sears asks me when the tools were purchased, and then they tell me, my tools are not covered due to rust. wtf. So annoying…

Any ideas on how to get these replaced? I’m tired of spending money lately…

who cares if the sockets are rusty, soak them in oil… there’s a thread nikuk started about rusty tools…

SMASH EACH ONE WITH A BIG HAMMER then bring them back and get them replaced.

try just walking into the store and having them swapped out.

i had a sears weld helmet once, i returned it for store refund after repeatedly kicking it into the wall. The underpaid cashier couldn’t have cared less

well they obviously got very damp or wet and then sat around.

Rust isn’t a failure of the tool, it’s a failure of the owner.

yep, a lot of my snap on tools are starting to rust after sitting in my buddies garage that is never sealed off to the outside or heated. its really shitty

buy a couple 2 liter bottles of coke and let them sit in there for a week

Malt vinegar and toilet bowl cleaner work great too.

only problem there, the vinegar needs to be malt, and should soak for 24 hours atleast…its a long process but does work.

The best i have seen yet was “The Works” toilet bowl cleaner…shit is amazing, and works in a few minutes.

I wasn’t saying anyone was wrong, just linkin!

^i have a bunch of that at home…

I’ll give it a shot when i return :tup:

oh i know…i read the thread, and saw that he wasnt impressed with the vinegar, just thought i would add my opinion as to why it didnt work well…

do this lol

$10 shipped?


Danahey? tool group (the company that deals with sears tool sets) just called… hes going to mail me a brand new set i think…


I never expected to hear from them…

You have to send back the old set?

not sure yet… have to wait to hear back