Season opening cruise (tentative 4/7)

Embedded for good measure

NO not the best way trust me I will make one. This is the best most fun route to take, meaning if someone drive stupid they will more than likely wreck their car in one of two places,+Saratoga+Springs,+NY+12866&daddr=43.123668,-73.8462667+to:43.2882334,-73.8161292+to:43.36101,-73.7098052+to:43.40639,-73.71004+to:Lake+George,+NY&hl=en&sll=43.388333,-73.734226&sspn=0.080213,0.145397&geocode=FYtbkQIdytSZ-ymxuzLELzjeiTGc-GuH3AeULA%3BFdQDkgIdBjKZ-ynhtOC_KEjeiTFjM-v2T17wJQ%3BFamGlAIdv6eZ-ymXY_4kXcrfiTEuYsf1DogAfw%3BFfKilQIdE0eb-yn5SwJWcs_fiTG4us8rONcLqA%3BFTZUlgIdKEab-ynHcM-br8XfiTFU2-wKYOuPMg%3BFYWhlgIdKz2b-ymBPgWgHcDfiTHSYs9Ps_zoOw&oq=lake+geo&gl=us&mra=dpe&mrsp=4&sz=13&via=1,2,3,4&t=m&z=13

Never been on a cruise around here…might be interested in this

Why are we still discussing other routes?

This one is is set in stone, however I encourage others to set up other cruises at a later date(s).

I’m cruising to Ohio that weekend, yall are welcome to tag along.

i wasn’t discussing another route, i was just commenting on how he liked to travel 9n and i found an article that stated 9n was a top 10 road

I drive this once in a while between my parents camp in Greenwich to LG. It is a nice drive. 9N has me curious too. Maybe I will have to go to this after all.


may join you guys this sounds fun my car is not very fast but i am still intrested

Hmmm is this restricted to cars?

I don’t think so, but I am not the organizer; I just play one on SHIFT. :rofl

why would it be? that’s how im seeing it.

Usually no restriction. Travis is cool. He will let any come play. Just be careful. Them 4 wheeled guys get a little crazy sometimes.

Like i said, i’ll probably be there on my dumpy bike. It’d be cool if some other bikes came along. Car won’t be ready until may probably.

I may have to show up.


I did not know this, but a major cruise for someone that died last year (dozens and dozens of cars) is taking place the same day, and will be on the Northway and possibly the same side routes also.

How do you guys feel about possibly running into them along the way?

I’d personally like to change the date for ours to the following Saturday.

fill us in on the other cruise. if its for a good cause i doubt anybody would mind. what type of crowd?

Honestly I don’t know much more. Airmancam would be the guy to ask as I think he knew the person that died.

They did the same cruise last year and the crowd ended up at my local WalMart for a bit. There was a ton of cars, mostly a younger crowd as I recall.

My suggestion to move the date of this cruise was just to avoid general confusion ("hey, is that car with us? Where are we going? Who do we follow?"etc, that kind of confusion).

if u switch up ill deff be there i wont be attending original date

that will be fine. I will just fill the bottle.