seat Upholster's?

Any one konw any places that will reupholster leather seats?

I went though the yellowpages but only 1 place did it and they satered at $500


his username is Aitch and he does crazy work, from what i have seen and heard. there is a feedback section on him too.

Ok I emailed him thanks alot.

I also would like others if anyone else has any more :slight_smile:

Imperial Auto Glass On dundas, a young guy does appolstery for commercial airline simmulators and mainly porsche’s. Pricings going to be high for appolstery where ever you go, its becoming a rare/lost art as the oldtimers are on their way out. Just tell him Steves son Devin sent you. My dad worked there when he was a kid and im starting co op in september there. I have no idea what pricing will be like.