i got my bike looking all good and shit but i got a few tears
and soem fiberglas resin on the seat.
iwas wondering if anyone did this. i was wondering if i could possibly get
my seat redoen in white leather or just black leather again
i got my bike looking all good and shit but i got a few tears
and soem fiberglas resin on the seat.
iwas wondering if anyone did this. i was wondering if i could possibly get
my seat redoen in white leather or just black leather again
Parish in U-town
who that? and that would be a little hike for me
thanks tho
anyone else local
i just had to fix that…
apolsetry[sp] work anyoen c’mon your grade school teacher would kill herself if she saw that.
damm i was off a good bit
Originally posted by Logik
i just had to fix that…apolsetry[sp] work anyoen c’mon your grade school teacher would kill herself if she saw that.
mines dead ,so i dont care!!!
No one else knows of someone that does upholstery work? I know Mike (Sight N Sound) was looking for someone too…
theres all kinds WAAAAAAAY out my way!!!
Originally posted by Pewterss
theres all kinds WAAAAAAAY out my way!!!
Find me a good one and I’ll bring them some business…
there is novaks in latrobe but i heard he is $$$$$$$$$… also wyotech was looking for some projects all you do is pay for material and they have to do a good job… father law is in rollin oldies a bunch of those guys sent some street rods up there…
Originally posted by vtecsol
there is novaks in latrobe but i heard he is $$$$$$$$$… also wyotech was looking for some projects all you do is pay for material and they have to do a good job… father law is in rollin oldies a bunch of those guys sent some street rods up there…
what he said!!!great work CHEAP!!!
where is wyotech?? Anyone have a #?
Originally posted by huskysgrl
where is wyotech?? Anyone have a #?
blairville,its a school!!!
Blairsville??? Holy Moly! I work with a girl who drives out to Monroeville to work… if they do good work then I’d make the trip… Mike wants his back seat re-upholstered to match his corbeau seats.
Originally posted by huskysgrl
Blairsville??? Holy Moly! I work with a girl who drives out to Monroeville to work… if they do good work then I’d make the trip… Mike wants his back seat re-upholstered to match his corbeau seats.
o i thought he wanted u reDONE!!!
Originally posted by Pewterss
o i thought he wanted u reDONE!!!
my buddy did his bike seat on his gsxr so i might beable to get him to do it. for cheap they are not hard to do for motorcycle seats. but there is a place in bethal park on south park road
the name slips my mind but that is where we use to take our seats to get done when i worked for a truck rental place HADDAD’s
blah blah blah coach works i forget.
find out it you could for me.
Yup, me. I don’t do much upholstery work, but there is a very good chance I can fix your seat that you have. Business phone is 724-312-8625. Companys name is superior interiors,my names Dan. We specialize in automotive interior repair.