Semi-Trucker Rant

Waaahhh, waaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

How does going FASTER save gas money?

Also laws and penalties for commercial vehicles are MUCH MUCH more strict than they are for commercial vehicles than they are for passenger vehicles.

Do you need the:

if people knew what it took to drive one , and handle a load that big ya wouldnt bitch . trust me , we are more annoying to them then they are to us .
1 -we can stop faster
2- we can accelerate faster
3- we are smaller
4-most trucks govenered
now i drive a flatbed and when that thing is loaded hills are your worst enemie and retards that slam brakes on

agreed… I drive pretty big rack trucks and its a pain in the ass. The trucks I drive will hit seventy, and thats only if your going down hill. Trying to get in and out of traffic to get to your exit is a real pain in the ass, much harder to see and shit, especially with a trailer.

Some truckers do well over the speed limit. They ‘waste money’ (for purpose of this discussion). If you limit their trucks to 70mph, the company is still ‘saving money’ while the general public doesn’t have to deal with a slow ass truck on the interstate (if you governed it to say 60 or whatever). What is so hard to understand about that?

Yeah the cost savings are different between 60 and 70, but if said trucker likes to do 75-80 on his big rig, then limiting him to 70 is technically still saving money. Just not as much.

Also, I’m pretty sure if a trucker got pulled over for something while doing 70 he wouldn’t get a speeding ticket. I’ve seen some of them do 80 for hours (I followed one such truck from MD to southern VA while on my way to FL).

The only issue I have with them is when they get side by side with another one. That’s it. None of these other issues that people are saying bother me as I’m typically patient on the road and pretty observative (so I don’t get stuck getting run onto the shoulder, etc.)

Bro, sometimes your logic is out of this world.

The company I worked for spent TONS of money determining what the most fuel efficient speed was, as well as looking at speeds of accidents in the national DOT register to determine the safest operating speed and at which point does that start to get worse.

I know you’re def. one of those people that would be going NUTS if you were involved in an accident with an 18 wheeler and it was going 70 mph… You’d be the first ignorant d-bag to say “The vehicle was going to fast”.

Every time I think you’re shedding some of your douchebaggery, you reconfirm it’s still there 10 fold.

Cry about it saddle bags. I’m sure they could save MORE money doing 60, but that isn’t conducive to traffic flow on the highway. Argue with me all you want, but if you don’t mind a bunch of truckers grouping up and doing 60 (under the speed limit cause they want to save money/be safe), suit yourself. I’d rather them do 70mph, still save money since many of them probably would have been doing over 70 if they weren’t governed while allowing each other to get out of each others way (and the rest of our way). Either way, whether they are doing 60 or 70 as opposed to 75, they are still saving money. Just not as much. Which is what I said. Which makes complete sense. Not sure what you didn’t follow or where the logic is ‘flawed’.

ilya , drive a fuckin truck that big then tell me when and how ya feel about that thing movin .

I’m sure it’s no picnic, hence why I’m saying if they do 70 it may be a little easier for them to get in and out of each others way due to more momentum. But when two trucks are limited to say 64mph and get side by side up a hill, and the speed drops to 55mph…that means everyone behind them is effectively doing 10mph or less because some trucker didn’t have the necessary speed/leg room to push the truck up the hill at a 70mph clip. At 70mph, he might have been able to pass another truck doing 65mph and everyone, including the truckers, win. Now, he has to deal with a bunch of people tailgating him and possibly flashing their lights at him. Not that he cares, because after all, he’s on a big ass rig and is king of the road. :rofl

My cousin drives a semi (2004 Volvo). I’ve heard stories myself, but I just don’t understand the need to limit them to less than 65mph. It creates more flow problems than it helps. If you get hit by a truck doing 60mph or 70mph, you’re still in a world of hurt. But hey, what do I know? I’m just an immigrant kid who doesn’t know shit evidently. :rofl

anyone not going as fast as i am in the passing lane automatically gets tailgated as close as i can get, passed, then cut off.

if i’ve done that to anyone on here, let me just say fuck you get out of my way. kthxbye.

i have a headlight aimed just right for peeps like u lolol

GearheadJointz. Do et.

Ilya you are seriously being retarded right now, just stop.

i don’t think you are the type to be hogging the fast lane going slow JOHN.

i drive the speed limit lolol . shit i have the flatbed wound right out when im in it who am i kiddin lol

rofl you weren’t foolin me homie!!!

the first time i had ohnopopo,s car on it he was lookin at the speedo sayin ummmmmm are ya gonna slow down or no . cars just move out of the way for me . i rreally love the assholes on your ass in that truck all i gotta do is fire up the workin lights in the rear and they scatter fast

just dont be gettin in my way JOHN.

ni99a please , that truck has a huge turbzzzz on it

with a boost controller on it lol