Semi-Trucker Rant

:rofl :rofl

Thats how the whole Mass Pike is- fucking trucks trying to pass cars going up a hill and their heavy ass truck cant make it.

Especially between exits 2 and 3 going east. Going west it’s not so bad because it’s 3 lanes for most of the way (between exits 2 and 3 and those hills).

shit i drive a truck and trailer with 4k lbs on it daily and its a pain in the bawls…and douche bags that like cutting you off and slam on the brakes, it takes a little bit to slow down even that little amount of weight, i give major props to truck drivers expesually with all the cholo’s out on the roadways these days

Last I checked, the speed limit is 65 and that includes the “passing” or “fast” lane. Getting angry at someone for going at least the speed limit is just stupid. Find a way around if you have a fuckin’ problem. There isn’t a 75 mph lane.

My dad, brother and 2 uncles are all truckers. You cannot even begin to fathom the kind of idiotic driving they encounter daily. Brake checking a tractor trailer with a loaded dump box is just one of the brilliant maneuvers people like to pull off.

Fuck you.

my work truck, 6.5 chevy 1ton dump tops out at 55, i drive in the left lane all the time rolling coal just to piss people off haha, it just makes my day. I cut some asshole off on freemans bridge rd, he said a few rude words to me so i stopped the truck right in front of him in the opposite lane. Dont fuck with something thats bigger than you!!

it’s illegal for trucks to ride in the “fast” lane. THANK YOU GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY :smiley:

Get a better truck. If the old hunk of shit cant stop itself, it isnt safe to drive. I am sure there are governing bodies that look at build specs of truck just like cars, and wont allow them to be produced unless they reach goals: 0-60mph, 60-0mph, roll over g limits… shit like that.

Also there are laws againts idiot passanger car drivers, break checking someone, car or semi, will get you a ticket if you cause an accident. cutting someone off, improper lane change ticket, the laws are there. Just drive the truck like you would a car. properly and dont worry about shit. if someone break checks you in a truck, run them over, if they cut you off, run them over. simple really. Put a camera on the truck, with clear view of the front, and sides, and rear. record every minute on the road. if something happens, you have it on camera and there is all the evidence you need to clear your books and prove your inocense.

Me too I have family members who drive and they say the same shit about OTHER TRUCK DRIVERS. the see retarded truckers out there all the time. They dont seem to have any issues doing their jobs, becasue they drive like they should, properly. They have cameras like I said above on the trucks, and have used them for evidence on occasion.

Stupid people, make mistakes, and get what they diserve. simple as that. act like an idiot and get run over. Dont cry about it if you caused the carnage.

THIS is truf.

Woody… Shut the fuck up, you sound like a moron now.

Nuthing new. :rofl

woody , i drive a truck i know what it entails . shut the fuck up or im gonna tittyfuck your mouth

Sorry, but I dont give men mouth party. I only eat food with it. /PJB

Have you ever trucker bombed a family of 5 in a mini-van?

This is true that people with trucks should not be cruising in the passing lane. I don’t see many local truckers that do this, and they shouldn’t. The big offenders are the over the road truckers… mainly fuckin canadians. But canadians are just bad people in general, so fuck them.

IMO I don’t give a shit what they have to put up with daily. They signed up for the job, if they can’t handle it, they shouldn’t be doing it.

I am not going to give them leeway to do dumb shit that fucks up traffic just because they drive a larger vehicle, and have a “hard” job. They are held to a higher standard for a reason, they have specialty licenses for a reason. They do not own the road, they need to share it just like the guy in a 2000lb Geo Metro.

If it were up to me:

-No trucks in passing lanes unless it is absolutely necc to avoid an accident.
-Trucker has a problem with a motorist? To bad. Let it go. The consequences of driving erratically in a 50K lb vehicle are far worse than those of a reg pass car.
-All trucks should have a limit of 60MPH max. That way there is no reason to be in a passing lane other than to avoid debris or an accident.

Im sure they dont give a shit about you either. If you dont like it dont drive on the highway.

LOL Gatville, hell yeah son!

im sure ya dont bitch when all the stuff ya want gets delivered in a truck . but ya will bitch when it dont cause some ass bag is fuckin wit em

Riiiiigght… You’ve never done anything on the road to disrupt traffic? Or are you allowed to because you don’t need a “special” license and don’t drive a large vehicle?

I just got back from the store, picked up some beer for you:

hahaha Whineken Beer… Cause hes whineing about trucks… lol becasue its funny. hahahah… chris made a funnay… lolhahahahlol

fuck truckers… yeah I said ti bitches. FUCK YOU and your big donkey dick looking trucks fucking up my daily drive to this shit hole I call work.


this shit don’t even make sense homie. If anything truck should be much faster so that they can pass without a problem. Better brakes wouldn’t hurt either. Their limiter shouldn’t be set at anything under 85. STOP TRYING TO PUSSIFY THE GOOD OL US of A PEOPLE!!! If we stopped giving licenses to stupid fucks, the roads would be awesome. Other countries take driving way more seriously. We need to crack down on the retards and stop worrying about nilly shit like speeding.