Sex/insurance question..

OK I am very,fuckiing angry right now… I am looking into new cars and checkin insurance rates thru geico… heres my results…

I am 18 yrs old,male,1 accident…my fault due to bad weather (no tickets were wrote to me) I live at home and am a student…

2005 s2000 $2,350 for 6 mo of coverage.

2002 subaru wrx 1660 for 6 mo of coverage

2005 F150 ford 1461 for 6 mo coverage

1996 nissan 300 zx TT… 1770 for 6 mo of coverage…

I know since im 18 I will have high rates for cars taht is not what I am complaing about…

Now i put taht I had no accident and checked my rates for a 96 nissan 300 zx TT… 1550 for 6 mo of coverage.

NOw what chaps my ass… A girl with the same record and age as me… could purchase insurance for a 1996 nissan 300 zx TT for…

$916 for 6 months
$1472 for a s2000 for 6 months of coverage.

now what the fuck? I could be the best driver in the world but becuase i am born with a dick I have to pay for for my insurance than a dumb 18 year old blonde who blows coke while driving. !!

Now… here is my question…

Statisticly girls get into less accidents than males… ok…
Men are statiscly stronger than females… so why is it that I see women doing construction work and such? Ok so theres equal oppertunity in the work force right? Why the fuck is there not equal opertunity in the automobile insurance?

Once I go to school for law… i am going to sue the fuck outta all the insurance companys for dicking us males out of thousands of dollers.

If females are such good drivers? why is there like 1 or 2 in professional motorsports? and how come when I am drivin thru the village and I see a fender bender, most of the time its the girl who is at fault?!

I need some response to this. Its about time guys stand up and fight the power that be. I am so pissed right now its unbelivable…

P.S I know i cannot spell…its O.K

girls get into more accidents per mile, but drive less

i also think this is stupid as fawk. my focus with full coverage when i got it at age 17 was 1900 a yr under my parents policy, my sisters, with a 2002 alero was 900. i was sooo mad. not only that, but when i was 16, i was paying 1600 for just plain liability on an 88 berretta, when SHE was 16, she was paying 600!!! for a 92 cavalier


Girls may drive worse, but most guys drive like fucking tools…

hate to break it to ya, but nothing is going to change.

more expensive cars have more saftey features :gotme:

Hmm let me rub it in a little

Im 21, one accident, for an 05 STi, full coverage w/ $250 deductable, $700 for 6mos


Deal with it man. It’s how it is, and even incessant compaints from anyone and everyone won’t change a thing at all.

Endo story.

guys drive worse :slight_smile: i’m a good driver, i have fun yet im cautious.

Im not saying it will change for me…i have like 2 more years till im 21 so my rates will go down… but for the kids who are now 13-14 years old, i cant belive what they will be paying… I belive its sexist… and its just another way for insurance companys to make out huge

want to know how to get around it? Buy a $1K junker car, and list that as your daily driver with only liability on it; and list your “new” car as a summer-only car with limited miles.

I’ve done this since I was 18, and have never paid more than $1800/year for 2 vehicles; and I totaled 2 cars when I was 16, my fault; as well as speeding tickets when I was a teen as well.

also, get onto good terms with your insurance provider. everytime i go in to pay my insurance i have a little chat with him, super nice guy, he always cuts me breaks and stuff to keep my policy low. currently my car gets a discount for farm use lol.

it’s sad but it’s the ‘rate pool’ you’re in. :shrug: you can’t really do anything about it.

i’d try a different company first. i saved ~$700/year by switching to allstate. :tup:

while we’re on the topic of insurance, is there any truth to this statement because i’m in the process of switching providers right now. my current insurance company all of a sudden just jacked up my rates, saying that “since i’m in ny and i’m unmarried and under the age of 29”. i have NEVER heard that excuse before, i’ve gotten quotes from 2 other companies and they are much cheaper than my current.

i hate when my ass gets chapped!

Yeah I just got the same thing after moving to the north edge of buffalo. Rates went up by about $700 for 6 months. So I’ll be dropping them soon as possible. :bloated:

I will warn you that I had a HORRIBLE experience with Allstate after 8 years of having them as my provider that cost me $176 to the state as well as about a week worth of dicking around… I will NEVER have them again.

I’m with Geico now on my auto, and working on finding a replacement for Allstate for my homeowners.

that really isnt fair at all but what can we do about it" bitch about it n pay the higher rates.

what if i open a buffet place n said " statisticly guys eat more so im going to charge male customers 20% more then females" people wouldnt stand for that but since you NEED car insurence to drive you have no say in the matter

I used to pay $2700/year back in the 80’s.
My first car was a 944 and I had one accident and when the accident was off my record my insurance dropped like $50!!!
I sold the car and bought a quattro and still got raped.
If you are a young man you will get screwed by insurance companies either way.

buy something swapped. bretts helios would have worked out well. that shit was hot…