Anyone gotten a quote to ship a car to the west coast. Any idea how much im looking at? How reliable? Time it takes?
I had a car shipped from California to New York by Dependable Auto Shippers. Cost $1400, took 2 weeks. I wouldn’t recommend them. They damaged my car while shipping it.
I’ve used DAS on three seperate occasions, never had a problem with them. One was from Oregon, one from Florida, and one to Maryland. The Oregon one cost $1300
Thats what I hear from everybody. Nobody has had a problem with DAS but me. My car was brand new with 6 miles on it and they scratched it and dented it to the bare metal. And then refused to take ownership of their mistakes.
Sorry to hear that. Is that where you got your EVO from ? was cheaper than das by alot, and they did a great job.
600 bucks from texas to my door in tonawanda.