Sightings Thread

I’ve met almost all of them due to the amount of accidents I get outside my house in the winter (I live on a very tight corner/turn up in the mountains).

I know the Coeymans Chief (Greg Darlington - he’s actually the cop that bailed me out of some serious trouble when I was 16 - he was the school resource officer at the time).

Okay? Don’t see how you got that from that, but whatever lifts your skirt dude. Dude was clearly trying to show off his badge. Stuff in the mirror at 2am? Seriously? He followed me for like 5 miles (from 144 all the way to the highschool THROUGH town) and that’s all he came up with? Dude definitely scanned my plates, saw a name he recognized, and lit me up.

And that texting cop (I’m assuming that’s the other incident you’re refering too) was being decent? By accusing me of talking on the phone when I wasn’t (I admitted to the guy to having my phone out because that’s what it was)? Right. And then giving me a tint ticket because I made him aware of the fact that he was pulling me over for something he wasn’t able to pull me over for (texting - at the time of the incident, it was a secondary offence which could ONLY be tacked on to a primary offence such as speed - which I was not doing)? After he went back to the car and realized I was indeed correct, he decided to be an ass and give me a ticket for tint because 1) he would save face (+1 for him) and 2) because I talked back at him (which doesn’t bother me, if you’re going to pull me over, at least have a good reason to do so. Just because you’re a cop doesn’t mean people should take it and like it).

That’s real decent :rofl. But yeah, what does Ilya know? Diddly. Cop was a complete angel and completely in the right. Kudos to him!