Sightings Thread

First off just so you and I are on the same page… I was like around a 2 on the pain Shift518 pee-pee just got wacked and it hurts scale. lol so what were are talking back and forth about really is no big thing. :number1

I agree with you actually with everything you just said. You like this place for the fun times, we all like busting balls I guess, to meet new people, see whats going on around the area, and to learn some stuff along the ways. Even if you dont get your hands dirty, there is no reason you cant enjoy the place. To each their own. its all good.

the 80/20 is true! which sucks, because the few people with skills and what not get drown out buy the rest of the Off Topic shit all day long. Check out the technical section, its been collecting dust lately, but I know a new thread will be started in about 2 days that might be cool.

And I appreciated the comments on my car, never said I didn’t and I am sorry if I came across like that… didnt mean it.

Allllll I can say is, your still a little new, no offense. Just chill and let the good times roll. Winter we all seem to get restless a little around here and need something to get all pissy about. :lol