Sightings Thread

hks plate frame ftw

i’ve seen that guy a lot on 87 south in the mornings, it’s a sharp car for sure

Spotted this shitty soup. Owner probably has Brian Spilner as his avatar on some gay forum.

red viper on corner of rt 20/155 looked like he was following a funeral.

car is weak

heard it barely puts down 700…


That looks so cheesy

sweeet. car always look good brah.

Taking up all the parking spots, id be careful with that. Some people rage and will park next to you and ding your door on purpose.

Saw this when I went to the doctor today.

Original here:

Dude post a bigger pic, I can barely even make out what that is.

Dude, this was at Outback.

I parked at the adjacent lot at the bank WAY THE FUCK AWAY from everyone else. I wouldn’t do that in a populated area. No clue why I came out to everyone parked around me. There was 0 cars parked there when I got there.

Here’s the original foo

nice park job douchebag…

Definitely a stellar park job. I know what you’re saying too, you could park 30 miles away from the door in an empty 5380483085308 acre parking lot and 500 tools will park within inches of you.

Why did you take a picture of your car after you parked?


Showing up to a funeral in a Viper? Like a boss.

Easy… That was a close personal friend to a few of us who passed.

:lol Used to get that shit all the time with my Rx7 back in the day. Would take the absolute farthest spot away, and have a saturn or something gay park inches away.