Sightings Thread

Locked up the brakes on ushers road as slowmarro was comin around the sharp corner.New tire stripes on thst road every

Im pretty sure I saw sweatynready in the Best Fitness parking lot tonight. Blue A6 with a cracked windshield.

BTW I went to school with Parvez and Farhad (went by Fred) Sharifipour. Parvez got busted several years ago for trying to pick up a middle school kid at a football game. I forget the exact details but he tried to get the kid into his Pathfinder.


I was standing there with him! :lol
I said “Who was that?” because I had my back turned lol

its a great plate lol

oh yeah i saw u, i was with killerblackird we were gonna say hi but you like skated by lol

Nicee shoulda stopped, would of been cool to meet you finally

one of those kids almost got beat down in toga by a bouncer buddy of mine for fucking some shit up in the bathroom because the club owner doesnt want anything to do with them.

Fred owns the club Mare in Toga

Mare is no longer, unless he is a part owner now that its called metro. Theres to many people to keep track of, drinking doesnt help.

That would be my daily.

Saw Joey Jiggs in a SL500 with the top down today with a smirk on his face

JohnnyKash scootin by Walmart in CP.
My V1 started blowing up, then I heard u roll into it coming the opposite way, followed by a sherrif 100yds behind ya.
Didn’t get snagged I hope, lol

It looked awesome :number1

THIS is why i need radar. I always happen to boot it right near a cop lol.

should of seen earliear lol cops chasing everybody

… Lol some cops just get lucky being in the right place right time where others are like “holy fuck that’s fast”

gotta be nuts to not have good radar if you like messing around on the street.

Johawk on ontario street by bogies last night I think

Silver STi plate EJ257 just pass my bus on 90W near Exit 5 just now.

Saw a red Prowler at Kurvers this evening