Sightings Thread

Yep. Was sitting right behind that.

oh, ill post some for ya alright since this stupid cunt wants to fuck around… cant WAIT to tell her who the girl im fucking is too… She may just kill herself… ask lance, literally.


Rep dave!


Thnk u for the neg.

Yes let’s rep Dave…


Was that even English?

I was thinking the same thing! lol

Ebonics… It’s invading our schools

^^ haha. Hudsonfalcon do you work in Malta? Always see a black evo x at my work

Yup GlobalFoundries.

Me too man. Did you ever notice my g35 there? Silver coupe w/ tints on "20. Be on the lookout for my new car octane blue evo x.

First new gen evo I actually liked, was white in schenectady… gold wheels, sounded good.

Asian dude driving

What the hell just happened in this thread?

Yeah I’ve seen it. What shift are you on?

Im a contractor there so usually I work 8am to like 6pm

Gotcha. You work in the sub-fab or cleanroom?