Sightings Thread

yo, fuck off.

He called you a fag


perfect use of that vito quote :lmao

you get the jerkoff cutter?

i dunno. is your blanket gonna be dripping down here again??

$4 for a little can of french onion dip?!?!?!

I’m gonna call you a bitch right in front of your tits!

“murrdog must have opened this bag of chips, it’s ripped right down the middle”

Guys, there’s swine flu on the toilet seat

Oh don’t get into the chip bag opening fiasco

yeah, because it was mainly kramer

murrdog was getting LOUD caus i wanted first dibs on the ruffles AKA ripples or whatever knockoff brand you bastards decided to get

doesn’t kramer still have to kiss joe jiggs

yes he does

fuck that. you guys played for who got the top bunk and even though i was supposed to, i gave it up for jiggles and slept with my head on a lazyboy, my ass on a metal folding chair, and my feet on the ottoman :facepalm

yeah well you’re a tall bastard

That’s your fault

that’s your fault