Sightings Thread

Speaking of dumpy rides, don’t you drive a 1988 Geo Prizm?

Hey, dont forget about his “hot rod” caprice!

Saw a new black M3 going out the berkshire spur this morning, was NICe

Sorry… =/

silver Audi R8 at Saratoga National golf course yesterday (friday) morning.

valet’d a clean 69 chevelle and a old zimmer last night.

Saw Bryan bakakakarian at my po9 exam today


:rofl hell yeah, large blue goo flavor burst, waffle cone, choc sprinkles BITCH!

yeah matt what test u take today?

Renns County Sheriffs

god dammmittttt… i miss all these fuckin tests

Word. I take everyone i find. Gonna end up with something soon.

What website do you look on?

I get emails all the time from my advisor at school.

damnnn… let me know when they are dude

Igght. ni99a

he is nottttt letting you know when they are

Yeah deff not actually. Thanks Joey

nice, someone will scoop you up dude. I dont really plan on getting on outside of schenec country (for obvious reasons) so i just take all of our exams, would be kind of pointless for me to be applying to exams in alb, rens counties etc