Sign this if you hate gas prices


I found this link on a different car fourm, thought it needed to be spread around, heres the link.

dead link?

now working!

Working for me!!!

'cause he fixed it 8)

Yes, because petitions like these always work. :roll:

I’m gonna make one asking for free gas

I’m gonna make one asking for free gas[/quote]

If petitions worked, there would be no 15yr. import clause.

Can we make one that legalizes the importation of underaged japanese prostitutes?

I’m gonna make one asking for free gas[/quote]

If petitions worked, there would be no 15yr. import clause.

Can we make one that legalizes the importation of underaged japanese prostitutes?[/quote]

if there 10 years old sign me up

Cutting gas taxes to lower the price of gas? How about lowering the price of gas itself without losing out on tax?

… absolutely, because we all know Canada has such power as to control crude prices.

I think they need to stop basing the gas prices on FUTURE expectations and start basing it on what’s going on NOW.

i tihnk we should ban money.

and trade pogs for product.


Don’t you hate pants?

… lol pog’s, man ive got so many kicking around, id be rich.

… absolutely, because we all know Canada has such power as to control crude prices.

I think they need to stop basing the gas prices on FUTURE expectations and start basing it on what’s going on NOW.[/quote]

I didn’t specify that the canadian govt had to control the price of crude. I was trying to point out that gas price that should be affected/changed is the non-tax part. As the tax proportional to the base price…

I also agree that the gas price should somehow be linked to the crude price, not just whatever price gas company speculators pulled out of their ass that hour.

… :?