Yep i’m in, sorry for the late notice mike, me and fox are stuck working 3rd shift for the rest of our lives i think but we decided to be true playaz and not sleep and go cruisin’

lol… gives new meaning to “happy brownies”

:tup: thats what im talking about

and yeahh mike bring the shoes :slight_smile:

the food is sounding tasty already!

it is tasty, i have been cooing all night :slight_smile:

The corn is really good, but wont be amazing since i had to par cook it due to cooking limitations. The pork :drool:

Letchworth has what size grills anyone??

you have been cooing all day.


omg best typo evar. :stuck_out_tongue:

i saw it… but was so tired last night that i just said ahhh fuck it. I laughed a little at myself too :slight_smile:

im paying when i get there

i have wood

I usually do when i wake up too

gah cant wait. Ill be out of work an huor earlier…so figure skunk and myself + a buddy will be there round 5ish.

We will be rolling in style with 2 yes count em 2 banana boats!

Looks like I will be showing up. :tup:

i hope i have enough gas to make it there and back, i’m out of premix :stuck_out_tongue:

Shelter #?

Awesome time today!!! The cruise down was fun as hell, nothing like 20+ cars all rolling down in a single file to the park. I also want to give out a HUGE thanks to Mike for putting the whole thing together and cooking all the awesome food that he did, as well as everyone else that brought something.

I had fun, I’m sure everyone that went also did too! :tup:

once again a huge thanks to mike (tpsgr) :tup: :tup: :tup:

yea…such a great turn out. just got home. Had a blast!

again…mike you came through again… great job bro

I had a great time today and would like to thank everyone that helped put it together

Just got home. :tup: to an awsome turn out. Mike , you are the man! Thanx for all the hard work puting this together and all the food. The pulled pork was amazing. Met some new peeps and chilled with some old ones, good times had by all.

good turnout, good seeing everyone out :tup: and thanks mike for all the time spent cooking!

Awesome time even though me and Oroc had to bounce a bit earlier then we would have liked. :tup:

Great to see so many speeders out :slight_smile:

The cruise out was fun especially with my prestigous mustang cobra leading the way :lol: I think Onyx got some killer footage out of the back of my car that you guys are gonna like :wink:

Also, cant thank mike (tpgsr) enough for all his hard work with the food. Shiit was goooood :smiley: Thanks man!!

:tup: x 4895762