Simple Accounting ?

I don’t know why I’m getting the wrong answer to this question. Let’s see if anyone here can get the correct answer… I’m assuming the software is incorrect ( that is validating the answer )

The Engine Shop uses a job order cost system to determine the cost of performing engine repair work. Estimated costs and expenses for the coming period are as follows:

The average shop direct labor rate is $17 per hour.
Determine the predetermined shop overhead rate per direct labor hour. Round the answer to nearest whole cent.

Nothing but to someone that gets it correct.

According to the software, the correct answer is NOT 8286.76

Mmm cost accounting, fun times.

I can look at it after 9:00pm.

(Senior Accounting major @ Canisius)

( I graduated with an accounting degree from UB, have books in front of me, yet this basic ass question is stumping me )


too much GTA, not enough work

So your degree… failed you

books… you can’t read 'em

basic ass… owns you hard.

Thanks for trying, but that’s not it.

Probably true.

Definitely true.


or $24.47

Both incorrect. :frowning:

god are we in tard heaven here?

bump for brain power


Nope, thanks for trying :frowning:

Just saw these…

Hint #1 of 4: Factory overhead includes all manufacturing cost except direct materials and direct labor.

Hint #2 of 4: Cost allocation is the process of assigning factory overhead cost to a cost object, such as a job.

Hint #3 of 4: Predetermined factory overhead rate is equal to estimated total factory overhead cost divided by estimated activity base.

Hint #4 of 4: Direct materials (auto parts), direct labor (shop labor), advertising and administrative expenses (period costs) are not part of total shop overhead.


that should be right.

lol well fuck everyone else is just throwing a guess up here, ill say 1.380

mine should be right.


I dont think you take into account the depreciation or admin and advert expense. Its been a while though

josh, im not sure how you are getting that number, but you need to first divide 17 into 520625 to get the number of labor hours worked.