Sirius Sporster 5 Radio issues: Low volume

If it was an option, your radio probably has the capability to control it. They USUALLY won’t use a completely different head unit if ita optioned to have a changer. But then again i know nothing of euro cars either


lol ryan

i just need my loud beatz!! takin a pic laters for u kenny

Kenny here is a pic of my radio brotato:

Well damn… maybe it doesn’t have an aux. What happens if you hit CD twice?

You may be better off just throwing in that Wired FM Modulator. It wont be as clean sounding as the Aux option, but its still a good clean sound. Check around for better prices on the antenna adapters. The mark-up on them is HUGE. When I worked at C.City, we could get the kits, harnesses, etc at cost and they were around $4-$5 each yet they go for $15-$20.

Yea, I’m gonna go with the wired FM I guess, maybe Jim P can get me the part #'s or link to a legit place online to get the antennae adapters.

I would check with Jim to be 100% sure but since it is just an FM mod and not a new radio, i dont THINK you need the amplified antenna adapter (if the car even has an amplified antenna). So these should work. I’m sure Jim will chime in if I’m wrong…
Car side:
Radio Side:

At the bottom of the car side’s page, it shows both of them to buy together.

Thanks Kenny!!!

If this is still an issue let me know. I can get you all set up with the wierd fm mod or put in said jvc. either way is not an issue just let me know what you want to do. i have done a million of these things and its not a big deal i cant believe this is that hard for people to figure out. i believe i have the parts at my house too but will check in the am.

Pm me a time and ill let you know if it would work. nights and weekends are the only option.

no-one ever said it was hard to figure out. We were simply trying to find the best solution (AUX input) and since that was not possible the next step was the wired FM mod which just requires a few antenna adapters… no issues.

I’m going to buy those antenna adapters and go from there. I just can’t believe how shitty the quality is.

trust me… when you put the fm mod in, it will sound like a whole new setup. The built-in transmitters are weak as shit thanks to the FCC.

Just purchased.

Thought I would post an update

I installed a aftermarket radio, with the PAC device and the hardwire kit.

SOUNDS MONUMENTALLY BETTER. Thanks everyone. Can’t believe how much of a difference it makes with the direct wire kit.