Sketchy "Buyer" for my Subaru....I think soooo..

Here are the Emails we have exchanged so far.
I think it stinks of sketchyness, and will probably not answe back at this point.
Let me know what you think.


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Hello Calin Vladut ,

 Thanks for your prompt mail.Regards to your mail responce i'm still intrested in buying it over from you. I recite here in ireland but my shipper will inspec it when he come for the pick up after payment. And i will instruct my P.A to send you a cheque payment that will cover the shipping cost as well ($8,000).  Pls i will be counting on your trust to deduct your funds as soon as you get the cheque cleared and transfer the balance through western union money transfer to my shipper who will be comming for te pick up. Let me have the Name that will be written on the cheque and your residencial Address where the cheque will be send to,also with your personal phone #.However i still more packages that my shipper will be shipping along with the  Car, So pls after the balance has been transfer to my shipper,he will come to your destination for the pick up and as well sign the necessary document on my behalf.Looking forward to hear from you soon.


Calin Vladut <> wrote:
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Hello,

The car is still available. And I will accept only CERTIFIED cheques. Follow the following link for more info and pictures:

I apologize for the quality of the pictures and vid. They were taken with my phone.

Let me know what you think. You may call me at 905 999 2385 after 6:00 on weekdays.

Right now the car is at Prestige Motors, a used car dealership in Toronto as it was traded in for my current car. Call me and we can discuss this and the details.


Calin (Cal) Vladut

----- Original Message ----
From: Mr Ojonla Omonla <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:43:40 AM
Subject: 1997 SUBARU LEGACY LSI…$5,000

Hello Seller,

 I saw the advert for your Car, It met my requirement , let me  know if it is still available, and if you accept check/draft as your mode of payment,if you do, send the name you want the payment issued on and your full mailing details so that i can have the payment sent to you, Do more attach pix, Hope to hear from you soon,    

Kind Regards,


its clearly a scam… along the lines of the nigerian millionaire thing who has to transfer money out of the country to avoid duty/taxes…

sometimes you can scam them for a couple hundred bucks if they think it will lead them to scam you for more.

you could keep fuckin with him just for shits and giggles

yeah man its most definitely a scam

Any time you hear the words “Western Union” it’s bound to be a scam. Western Union is bullshit. They offer little to no protection on money order fraud.


i had the same shit a little over a year ago

the ‘check’ ended up under federal invesitgation as I was told y customs that the guy and the whole act was a known scammer.

this scam has been around for years.

yeah man, i spkoke with some guy from some customs head office in qeubec, he told me they see this kind of shit alot and it just ends up going out to the rcmp to be invesitgated

SCAM! My buddy was looking to buy a 350z, and what happened was the guy had seen an ebay auction for a 350, that had not sold, and he got the vin and pictures of it. Then he posted it in a bunch of free classifieds across Canada. His story was he was in england and he was paying to have the car stored somewhere near ottawa. He just wanted to get it sold since he couldn’t bring the car over to england with him. We had to pay him a $1500 deposit through an escrow service so he knew that we were serious buyers, and so he woudlnt waste the airfare over to canada to come and meet us. I looked long and hard for any trace of this escrow being a real company, but it just didn’t exist. And there was so many inconsistencies in names and addresses that I knew something was wrong. I proposed using an escrow service under my terms, and agreed to pay any fees that he would incur from backing out of his previous agreement, but he refused. Pure BS.

If something sounds too good to be true, I will follow it through just in case it is legit. Of course, I won’t take any sort of financial risk without being absolutely assured that my money will be safe. When it gets to the point of wiring 1500 dollars to some dude in england from some made up company, that is where I draw the line.