sleepy eye suggestions.

now before everyone gets worked up about another sleepy eye forum … i just want to sate i know the methods of how to do the mod . all i want to know is which is the easiest for what i want to achieve . i want them to be in sleepy mode when the lights are not on and fully open when the lights are on.

pull the button out and cut the brown wire, boom.
you probably already know, but that way is the easiest…

yeah thats what i thought . thanks

what i wanna know is the opposite of yours …kinda…

how do you have the lights in sleepy mode, and have the lights on?i saw someone with it at the niagra meet. i think it was chris’s old gray s13. but i dunno.
how how how?

i know its pointless as.illumination.(spelling) but it looks evil like that.

here u go

All i do is when i want them i jsut pop the hood take the covers off and turn the knobs…then dont touch the lights…done…this can only work in day…

but why would you want sleepy lights at night anyways you cant see as good

He’s aware man, he just wants them for the look.

i cut the brown wire, when i fuck with the button and headlight switch enough i can get the lights to stay on while in the sleepy position… weird.

this is whatr i found the easiest… haven’t tried it yet tho…

brown wire ftw
no money required :smiley: for additional switches or wiring

and best thing, if you dont’ like how sleepy it is, you keep pressing til you like it.

Great clip I don’t even own an S13 or nothing but it feels like I could do it to my S14 :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah the brown wire is easiest but to keep them lit just follow that link.

Vroom-Chirp (from NICO) has lots of cool writeups like that!

i have that, but for some reason it worked and worked awesome, then i had to boost my car with my booster box (yes the big one) and i think i must have left them on or something and now the lights wont go up or down or on, and my cluster light is out and my speedometer doesn’t work, but i think that may have something to do with the new stereo i put in… go fuse hunting im guessing?