Smoking Ban injunction

yes, it’s called paying for gym membership that you never attend :wink:

A law can be made against motorcycles, but that doesn’t make it right. Some people on here are interested in preserving some of the freedoms that made this country great. Some others, like you, would prefer to ignore the events taking place around them, and just deal with the consequences. That attitude is what got us a bankrupt social security system and a 2-party political system. So maybe instead of telling people to STFU, you should get a clue and get involved.

Ok first off I have no desire to get into this debate. But I will just state my point and leave it at that. Everyone has their own view on the subject and here is mine. You state “preserving some of the freedoms that make this country so great” but when what you do can affect other people in a negative way, then there needs to be rules to avoid that. This has been going on forever and I think it is about time for the “smoking ban” law to be set in place. Smoking around people in the long haul is bad for someone’s health so what’s so wrong to tell people they cannot smoke in places where the smoke is confined and will be inhaled by others around you? Every bar i go to is nothing but a huge cloud of smoke and it would be nice to not have to breath that in if I want to go and get some wings and beer with a few friends.

Also what’s with the “Some others, like you, would prefer to ignore the events taking place around them, and just deal with the consequences.” comment?

Just because i agree with a law that is being put in place means I am ignoring the events around me? No it simply means I agree with it…I don’t agree with all the laws but in the I “shut the fuck up and i deal with it” because I know that in the end nearly all the laws are put in place to protect people in general.

tru dat too:bigthumb:

Good point, I bet if the gov were to introduce a ban on every car capable of going faster than 65mph or limit it’s speed to 65mph through the manufacturing process people on this site would be extremely pissed off, because after all there is no need to go any faster, that is the fastest posted speed limit in PA. Going any faster than that could cause you to crash and kill yourself or someone else. After all big brother is only doing this becasue they care about you:doh:

Truth…because anyone who speeds endangers the lives of others. And it’s a lot worse than smoking because the death can be instantaneous. It’s a good thing our government protects us from everything bad.

agreed… the government does need to regulate what you breath. you can do this yourself, the government deciding this for you is a slap in the face, as if you’re too stupid to figure out which bar to walk into.

someone compared it to the riding bikes in walmart thing. Bars and restaurants should regulate this themselves.

I’d find a way around it, just like all of you.

Jon, think about the following statement for a minute:

Actually, Libertarian beliefs are sort of along these lines: If you do something and it doesn’t affect someone else, then enjoy/do it. Otherwise, repect the other people and don’t do it/don’t do it around them.

Bics, you’re not that far off of what Libertarians believe, you just think that regulations are the answer where Libertarians believe common sense and respect for fellow man is/are the answer(s).

I think regulations are put in place to make sure common sense and respect are practiced. W/o regulations you would have a bunch of animals running around doing whatever they wanted and not give one shit about other people. But yes I am a very logical/common sense person

you make some interesting points. However, I still feel like its a pretty empty gesture. People don’t get any ill effects from the second hand smoke in bars.

are you serious? :rofl: Just wait until they ban motocross bikes because of their emissions. I wonder if you’ll be singing the same tune then.


OMG someone is doing something else that mildly effects someone in a negative way!!! WE MUST LEGISLATE!!!

Yesterday I stepped in some dog shit in my yard. I dont have a dog. Lets ban dogs.

SleeperGTP posted some jibberish that gave me a massive headache trying to decipher… let’s ban stupidity.

My cock hurts from beating off to so much lesbian porno. Lets ban pornography!

The government has more important things to worry about than legislating against “mild annoyances”.

This is a capitalistic society. If people really wanted non-smoking bars, we’d have them due to a DEMAND for them. No legislation needed.

I have that same problem, recurring poop…so I put up a little flag that said “Please clean up after your animals” smack down into the middle of the poop logs.

Problem solved, no poop recently. See, that didn’t take massive legislation…oh, wait, there is a rule where I live against leaving dog shit lying around. How much good did it do for me? zip. zero. nada.

But common sense and respect for other people and their property prevailed, as it always should.

have they banned the blacks and retarded yet? seriously whats taking so long