Smoking Ban

if i owned a bar i’d say fuck the law, i’d let ppl smoke, if i got any flack from the fuzz i’d take it to the supreme court and I’D WIN

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

fuck that shit, i’ll smoke where i want to when i want to, cunt ass government

LMAO…great…i love it!

but in all seriousness…its stupid. some places have banned cigar and pipe smoking. so i agree with those who said, if the bar wants to ban it, ban it. if not, quit your crying and stay the hell home and get drunk.

exellant. I really love how much you guys hate government controll over us. That makes me proud.

On topic: I’m all for the ban. I first experienced smoke free bars in L.A. I didn’t even realize it till the next morning when I didn’t feel like total shit. Ever since I had come back I couldn’t wait till Pittsburgh got with it and adopted some sweet ass legislation like it.

Telling you what you can and can’t do = bad

Forcing you to be cordual = good.

oh, by the way. I’m selfish.

If smoking only affected the smoker that would be one thing, but it kinda affects everyone around you also. I don’t know if second hand smoke is as bad as smoking, but I have a hard time breathing when I am around a lot of cig smoke for a while and it would be nice to be able to take my kids to a restaurant without walking through a cloud of smoke from the smoking section(which is fucking pointless).

I am all about less goverment, but when you do something that affects anyone except for yourself, you need to have a line drawn somewhere. Is that line a county wide ban, personal responsibility, or a business owners choice, I do not know.

right. because thats what our government needs. Instead of worrying about REAL issues, they should be thinking up more ways to legislate manners. :rolleyes:

exactly…fuck smokers… its cool that you wanna kill yourself but the rest of the population shouldnt have to suffer cause you suck at life…


ban the whiney ass bitches.

cars make smog that hurt my lungs and kills the atmosphere. You drive a pickup that gets 6mpg. Its also increases my dependence on foreign oil. Perhaps we should ban old piece of shit trucks, since its for the better of the whole.

If you dont like cigarette smoke, either dont go to bars, or lobby bar owners to voluntarily make their estabilshments smoke free. The government REALLY doesnt need to get involved.

freedom > your whining

good response :cool:

When I lived in LA it was so nice to go to the bars and not smell like smoke. But I think i would rather smell like smoke then listen to the people bitch about not being able to smoke.

The gov definitely has other things to worry about then smoking in public places IMO. Rock the vote right?

my life > your life

i dont know but i like to breath. when you pole smokers… i mean cig smokers put my health in jeopardy it pisses me off.

if you go to other states such as cali or NYC, smokers dont mind it.

I hope it happens and if/when it does ill laugh to your crying

x 2

how about when dipshits drink and drive? … or when people talk loud in movies, or when ladies in line fuck around with their purse and hold up the line???

life has a lot of inconveniences, like responding to threads like this, but that’s life… because something bothers some people, doesn’t mean that it should effect all people.

man up and stfu :bigok:

dipshits drink and drive - endangers lives…bad
loud talking in movies - inconvenience
hoes with purses - inconvenience
smoking - endangers lives

big difference between and inconvenience and a health risk

All i heard in LA was smokers bitch…