Smoking Ban

i believe green peace and the EPA and all the tree huggers would love to see ur car in a crusher. so we already have that, i don’t think the comparison between the two is very strong.

people will say if you don;t wanna smell smoke don’t go clubbin, i say if you wanna smoke don’t go clubbin.

smoke this :bj:

HAHAHAHAHA thats great.

too bad its more than one individual. OBVIOUSLY

:blah: :blah: :blah:

do you honestly need explained the difference between individual and collective rights? :doh:

lol nice

No thats why people who were voted into office by a majority will make the final decision.

Those groups you mention have other priorities right now. Doesn’t mean they(or some other group, think MADD), won’t come after us…The analogy remains accurate.

Inscribed on the Holocaust memorial in Boston:
They came first for the Communists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

besides being very bad for u…the only problem i see see for smokers is that there is only 20 cigs per pack and 24 beers a case,now thats a major problem!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know how you can get this bill to stop dead in its tracks. All smokers boycott smoking in bars and clubs on their own. Apperently you guys know your being dicks to non smokers. That shit is a bit more pervasive than exhaust for comuters. quit making stupid analogies, its making me furious.

who cares?? i dont remember the emissions from my 240 making anyones clothes smell bad, or teeth yellow or restricting anyones blood vessels?? so what does my 240 have anything to do with smoking?? lets stay focused. im talking about how annoying it is to be in a club/restaraunt/bar and when i leave i smell like an ashtray cause someone else decides to ruin their life…

are you seriously that fucking retarded that you see second hand smoke as an inconvienence and not a health issue? that would make more sense, as to why your posts lack any intelligible thought or reasoning.

unfiltered emissions from your 240 can easily kill you, equal to or more so than 100% second hand smoke intake… wtf, the entire point of the ‘ban’ is revolving around air pollution!

First of all, the emissions from your 240 are pure. Because your 240 doesnt run.

Even if they banned smoking inside, you’re still going to have to walk through it outside or anywhere else in public so either bust out the Febreze or don’t go out if youre so distraught by the smell.

Smoking sucks. The government sucks. I can’t believe there’s 7 pages of this conversation.


I think you are missing the point of this discussion. The point is that government dictating policy to a privately owned business is wrong. If you(and i use the term ‘you’ in a generic sense here) don’t like the smoke in a bar/club/restaurant/whorehouse, then complain to the owners of the establishments. If there is TRULY a majority demand for a non smoking facility, the market will dictate that and will respond. If there isn’t a majority demand, then why is it fair for the demands of a vocal few to be forced upon the majority who do not wish for this.
The government doesn’t give a fuck about your health. If they really did, they would ban all tobacco products and be done with it.
I truly cannot understand the mindset of wanting to turn over so much power and control to a government. :dunno: :dunno:

I want the ban. But my single voice doesnt matter. Now if law makers ban it (people who you all VOTE into office), I’ll be happy. If they don’t ban in, I’ll accept it.

I’ll agree to ban smoking in pubilc, so long as the bill includes a ban on the following:
-Partially hydrogenated soybean oil
-High fructose corn syrup
-Chocholate cake

The Health care costs of obesity in America have exceeded the smoking costs.

That means, quit bitching at smokers because you’re a whiny bitch who can’t stand smoke in his/her eyes, and start boycotting KFC and Cold Stone Creamery.

I have an idea, let’s put a height/weight chart in every restaurant, and make everyone stand on a scale before ordering. If you are deemed a fatty by your height/weight rating, you are only allowed to buy salad, and drink water. That way we’ll keep these gluttonous morons from ruining our already struggling health-care system.

At least smokers die a lot faster if/when they get lung cancer. Fat people drain the system for years with their high blood pressure pills and heart surgeries.

It’s time to lay off the smokers and start going after the fatties.

(If you are fat, and you read this, I make no apologies. Nobody forces you to eat. )

I think I’m going to go buy a pack of smokes. Nicotine is a laxative, so technically, smoking helps fight our worst health care burden, obesity.

^^^^^(If you are fat, and you read this, I make no apologies. Nobody forces you to eat. ):ban: :ban: :wtf: