Smoking Ban

its not ike the ban hurts me being a non-smoker… but I dont see the point. Mike said it best about 240 pages ago that if we ban smoking in public now, what are we banning next? its dumb. Pittsburgh is trying to reinvent itself to attract population and bring in more federal grants campaigning on healthy and clean living. it sucks they cant do that without hurting their current residents.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you are an idiot.
im healthy. i dont care about fattys. their fatness doesnt affect me.
second hand smoke does.
the worst argument in the thread so far.

if pittsburgh really wanted to reinvent themselves then we would get rid of all the section 8 housing in all of allegheny county and send them all to ohio!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Yes it does, and I’ll walk you through it, since it seems like you failed 2nd grade english.

“Fatness” as you call it, is the root of more medical costs in this country than anything else. People who go to the doctor in this country often have what we call “health insurance” and the more claims people make, the higher the rates are for everyone, even those of us who aren’t fat, don’t smoke, and only go to the doctor when we’re truly sick or injured.

Also, when people don’t have health insurance, and they need treatment for their “fatness” and related illnesses, and they can’t pay, the health system eats this cost, and pays for it by raising the prices of other goods/services. In some ways it’s a little bit like stealing. The store spreads the cost over the other customers.

Try reading a little bit about health insurance, GIYF (that means Google is your friend) and use proper punctuation the next time you decide to insult me.

When I am in a bar, and smoking, cause i do smoke when I drink, I am courteous to people, until they start their whining and bitching under their breath. They want to act like dicks because I am having a cigarette, well fuck you, and I will purposely make that evening the most unenjoyable evening for you. If you ask me nicely to put it out, or I can tell it may bother you, I will put it out myself, or move, but dont give me some high and mighty, my shit dont stink because I dont smoke, fucking attitude, because the cigarette smoke will be the least of your problems. And the people that go into a bar, sit between two people that are smoking at the bar, and order food, and then get attitudes when you are smoking when their food comes out…fuck you, go sit your whiny bitching ass somewhere else if you dont like it.

Heres a news flash, smokers dont smoke because it annoys non-smokers. And no one is forcing you to “suffer”, Smokers dont throw you into a smoke filled car, drives you to a smoke filled bar at gun point, and make you stay there…thats your choice. If your argument is “why should our fun be ruined because of smokers?” If you are pissed the whole time because there are smokers there, then you probably aren’t having fun anyway, and maybe you need to find somewhere else to have your happy skipping smoke free jolly time at.

On the other hand…there can be compromise, but going from one extreme to the next is not the answer, and when the bars and clubs quit bringing in patrons because they dont allow smoking, and they all go bankrupt, then you dont have anywhere to have fun anyways.

ya but your the one whos missing the entire point of all this. obesity is something that can be controlled by the individual. 2nd hand smoke is not. you wanna smoke, be fat and whatever else then fine, do it by yourself, im sure no one will miss you… just do it far away from me…

absolutly,positivly fucking correct! AMEN!

this thread is still going on?

Not to be a dick but the lifestyleu lead isn,t really that healthy for either man

and going nowhere fast…

in before da :lockd:

the life style that I lead?? as in what?


steroid addiction kills thousands every year.

:original: :finger:

ya like he is on steroids…the kid doesn,t weigh more than 160 wet
