
dude… if you didn’t realize the cry baby faggots are the non-smokers (minus me)… i don’t smoke, but i’m also not so fucking delicate that i can’t smell like smoke if i CHOOSE to go to a bar that allows smoking. wake up

Everytime there is talk about a ban for smoking all the faggots start acting like it is the end of the world…stfu, get over it. Big fucking deal you can’t smoke while at a bar or restaurant. Personally I really don’t care either way, i am used to inhaling people’s smoke if I want to drink a beer. Both sides have their points but in the end I have to agree with the smoking ban…they have it in many other highly populated places and it works fine…so stfu and smoke my dick

well drunk assholes are the next ‘social problem’… so enjoy that beer, because soon enough, you won’t be able to do that either!

jump on the bandwagon and blindly support the reduction of personal rights and liberties!!! fuckin’ a!!!

I see the point and i somewhat agree…but when there is a law put against something that can harm others (even if it is in the long run) then I am for it…within reason of course.

what is the imperical harm? who has, to date, died from second hand smoke? if they did die, was thier action and choice to be around teh smoke their own decision?

if i take 40 advil and die (in retrospect, maybe i should to cease posting in this thread) should we stop selling advil in the 100 per container setup? its’ harmful to society… we should only sell 2 advil per packet and limit it to one purchase a day. we (government) should hand out meal tickets and totally provide all life services to the community too, jobs, money, and transportation. there was a political movement that tried to achieve this… i can’t remember the leaders name… adolf something or other.

I knew you would reply with some far fetched gay ass comment. Fact is second hand smoke is harmful so if you want facts then look them up yourself. STFU about taking advil…that is why I said within reason. Like I said i see both points and somewhat agree with both sides…but I have to agree with the smoking ban for health reasons.

oh and i’ll do you the favor of linking second hand smoke ‘facts’

while i’m not opposed to banning smoking, i’m not all that sure that it’s as big of a deal as posted. if you burn syrofoam and breathe it in, you’ve just contaiminated your self ten fold over any cigarette… there are toxins in food we eat and air we breathe… lets ban companies from putting posionous preseratives in food? or maybe stop spraying food with poision to kill bugs… or … or… or … or …

I don’t like fags, can the govn’t ban all the ones posting in this thread?

get a fucking clue. high horsepower cars can harm others. candles burn houses down. trees can fall over and hurt people. you really want to outlaw anything that CAN pose a threat to people’s health?

Like I said within reason. It’s not like I don’t see the points made by people against the smoking ban…they are valid, as are the points made by the people who are for it. You can argue it is your right to smoke…but doing it in a place that is open to the public and since it can people’s health at risk then I am more for the ban. I think the point is it is a place open to the public, so anyone should be able to go there with out that risk…but if it was a club or memebers bar then I can see being able to smoke there.

Edit: I am shocked by such a stupid post coming from you. Look at what you wrote…high HP cars…speeding/reckless driving is against the law, cadles…if you light someone’s house on fire it is against the law, trees falling down is an act of nature…or if your dumb ass cuts one down and it kills someone you go to jail. Smoking…go for it, but if it is in a public place then don’t do it…it is your habit that is putting other people’s health at risk.

or how they put warning signs on hiking trails or railings 20 feet from a cliff edge. if i want to walk in the middle of the fuckin’ woods i’ll blaze my own trail! if i want to look over the edge of a cliff and fall… i’ll fucking sue !! geesh.

I’m arguing that the government has no right to tell a property owner what he can and cannot allow in his establishment.

Edit: I am shocked by such a stupid post coming from you. Look at what you wrote…high HP cars…speeding/reckless driving is against the law, cadles…if you light someone’s house on fire it is against the law, trees falling down is an act of nature…or if your dumb ass cuts one down and it kills someone you go to jail. Smoking…go for it, but if it is in a public place then don’t do it…it is your habit that is putting other people’s health at risk.

a bar or restaurant is NOT a public place. It’s a privately owned business. If the owner doesnt like the way you look at him, he can tell you to get the fuck out. I’ll hopefully have an office sometime this summer, or perhaps a storefront. Is the state going to tell me that I can’t smoke a cigarette in my fucking office? Fuck them, and fuck everyone that thinks the government should be legislating against MILD ANNOYANCES.

i need a cigarette

interesting…so if I own a bar and a black man walks in I can tell him to get the fuck out b/c of the color of his skin…and not have a worry about breaking any laws?

Sign at the local bar

“We reserve the right to refuse service”

I am sure that is for serving drunk assholes…not b/c you don’t like the color of their skin.

outside the scope of specific anti-discrimination laws, a bar owners would be completely within his rights to deny service to anyone he sees fit.


Every bar I have been in, in the past two years has that sign.

One more question, why is it that all non-smoking places have an ash tray at the door, with several people standing around smoking that all the non-smokers still have to walk through the smoke?

My main problem with it is the way it’s being presented.

All the pols say ‘it’s for the public’s health.’ Bullshit. It’s just one more thing they can control.

If it was for the public health, then ban it entirely. No more cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco or snuff. No more smoke. No more tobacco. No more sales. No more tax money.

Why not ban cars, then? They put out more toxins than my cigarette. Don’t believe me? I’ll sit in my garage and chain-smoke for 3 hours. You sit in your garage with your car running for 3 hours. We’ll see who’s in better shape after.

Anyway…this is not something that should be legislated. If a business owner wants to permit smoking, then they may miss out on non-smoker business, and vice-versa. Don’t like smoking/non-smoking? Don’t go to the one you don’t like.