Snowpocalypse '14-'15 - Now 13 Deaths

Wow that truly sucks, but at least you are ok.

edit: people are still stuck on I90 more than 24 hours with NO help.

To the people complaining about how long they were stuck on the 90… I don’t think you understand what 6’ of snow is. You can’t walk through it. You can’t drive a 4x4 through it. You can’t drive a snowmobile over it. Basically the only thing you can do is use a giant front end loader to dig a path through it. Oh, and know what makes that impossible? 100’s of vehicles stuck on the 90.

My my only complaint about the thruway is why the hell they were letting cars on it in the first place. What happened to all those gates that were installed to prevent this exact fucking problem?

I might barrow a sled today and check on people. I’ll be roof shoveling most of the day.

Stopped snowing in Derby…for now. It’s brutally beautiful. I want to try and shovel, but don’t know why. I think a plow went down my street Monday evening, and nothing since. Even if I could get out of my driveway, don’t think I could get down the road. Could really use some groceries but I don’t think it’s in the cards. This really caught me unprepared and I never pictured it could’ve gotten this bad. Lesson learned.



Remember how everyone made fun of the people emptying the shelves at Wegmans before a storm? They’re sitting home stuffing themselves right now. :slight_smile:

They have a super gigantic snow blower in Colden that can easily cut through through deep snow. (Center street gets HUGE snow banks.)Maybe with the billions of dollars in tolls collected the thruway authority could fucking buy one or two for the Buffalo area. But then again they definitely have attitude about the “free” section.

I had 5 gallons of gas. Don’t have much left and still have a good 10 ft left of my driveway before the road. Ugh might not have enough

working from home again, aka snuggling with pups all day. no way i could get to the roof at all, hope it doesnt come to that. snow is finally hitting the north side of the city as of an hour ago and its comin down fast

Just started coming down in Tot [ATTACH]34056[/ATTACH]

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Filled my tank up, grabbed whatever we might need from the garage. We’re ready in the northtowns. Lesson learned from you guys.

You guys are slated from 3-4" today. We’re supposed to get another 1-2 feet. Not a very equitable distribution.


Another from last night, status check on a woman and her two young kids who had lost heat hours earlier and around 9:30pm stopped answering phone calls from concerned family members.

Turns out they managed to dig out the furnace exhaust and get it running again then went to sleep.

This was the one where I buried my sled and would probably still be there had a front end loader not come down the street and given me a path out.

If there were cops on the highway or our fearless leader, they wouldnt be stuck for 30hrs

      • Updated - - -


My old man’s been stuck at a gas station for over 24 hrs now. I think he camped out near the beer chillers muhahahaha :tup:

Meanwhile, in ROC / FLX we have approx. 1/2" and it’s sunny. I’ll be back in the southtowns this weekend getting snow off my folks’ roof.

Annnnnnd the snow has stopped in north buffalo.

Meh… I went to premier, filled up a few growlers, grabbed some bombers… My office is in lancaster, i doubt i’ll be there til friday.

That picture of the fireman working toward the house… the snow is much deeper than his waist. That’s just how far you would sink before the snow packed down and got you stuck.

Snow in the northtowns now…bring it

I live about 3/4 mile from where the 90 goes over Clinton ave. Took a walk up there late last night, helping free a handful of non-snow tired cars blocking the streets from capable vehicles. Fucking frustrating seeing this, it’s a helpless feeling, so many cars had been abandoned. I’m gonna walk back up to the 90 and see what’s up.