
Thanks man, as of now, my flight to PHL is still ‘On Time’, but we will see how that progresses throughout the day. Not feeling too confident about getting home, UB closing, juat?

We didn’t get shit wtf

Lame.I was hoping to have a good excuse not to go into work

LOL In tonawanda my car is still clear from last night. Off work though…w/e

Weather guys are trying to pull “looks like we go ice which is much worse” as cars go speeding by full speed behind them


^Lol. Everytime they hype this shit up, this is what happens. I hope I can return all this bottled water and canned soup I bought yesterday…



Just let the dog out at 7am here in Eden and we got MAYBE, MAYBE 1.5" and then about .5" of ice on top of that. Sounded like he was walking on velcro. One of my snow shovels fell over in the night and the entire handle is visible on the ground-we got shit. Great, apparently they closed school for my GF so I’m stuck with her ass today as well :tdown:


I was right. Every time they think they found the mother of all storms, it turns out to be a pathetic dusting of snow while all of the bad storms we get come out of no where with very little warning.

Enough heavy packed stuff drifted in my driveway that I decided to snow blow before backing the car out, but what a letdown. I was all ready to leave the car home and commute with the wife in the giant 4x4 in travel ban conditions. Instead it was barely slippery enough to get a good drift going on the s-curve near work. At least by getting up early I’ll be leaving at 4 today instead of 5.

Pussy stain. You should be able to drift that pig on roads govered in glue

lol, true, but I’m tired of tires only lasting 3000 miles.

Got a dusting out here in lancrapster too.:tdown:

Ugh wtf happened? I woke up at 3am and nothing changed.


:tup: to (probably) being able to return tomorrow

We probably got 5 inches of new snow here and everything is canceled. Weak.

So it was really annoying that I scraped my windshield and drove a quarter mile then had to pull over and scrape it again. Damn freezing rain.

Other than that… SNOMG turned into LOLight drizzle.

Weaksauce. another weatherman fail fest.