Great minds think alike. :beer2:
lol, the car is gone. I could personaly disect a honda into a pile of rubble within a few hours. Then sawzall the body into some sections and then throw it on a small utility trailer and head to the scrap yard.
that sucks i hate people
I bet it’s on 20s on the W3st SiD3!!!
Seriously though, that sucks. I’ll be down there tomorrow to check on a rental property, I’ll keep my eyes peeled.
poor beast.
Why do people steal almost stock hondas…
probably the same cocksucker that stole my 99 ex coupe this past winter. looked stock except a slight drop, but the asshole got lucky with the gsr motor and lsd tranny hidden inside. window wasn’t broken either, he used a jimmy or had a key that worked. anyways it sucks man and i hope you find your ride.
an unnamed member of this forum sent me a couple pm’s when my civic got stolen at the end of november and since this has been happening quite a bit i’ll post them, dunno if it helps at all:
<b>Re: about your car</b> when u got ur car broken windows or anything like that?...did u ever took it to the track?(lancaster) asking this questions bro civic was stolen near broken window no trace..we took it one time to lancaster open the hood and thats it...couple of days later gone...we know who stole the car...its a group of fucking Puerto ricans ( im puerto rican too )but hate fuckers like one day we were crusin in my brothers new civic and we see one of the fuckers puting our front typer lip on a red the police got the guy...we r in court prosses....but before court the police took us to the impound and found like 3 b16 engines,1 gsr engine on one of his car,one civic and integra chopped in pices and all of that on his garage(pices of chassis chopped)..So thats one of the fucker theres a couple of them around the west side and river side...they have a couple of hatchbacks..and i know they have to be stolen...So if u answer me back im going to tell u more details...if u want..Have a nice day...
Re: about your car Yeah,well the guy that is in the court prosses with my brother (named Carmelo)…some people i’ve asked tell me that the guy has a universal car key that opens any old honda.So basicly all I Know is all I have told u…and 1 more thing…i Know those people have a big garage on the west side.I have passed by and is big…they have couple of acuras outside and they only work in the garage at night…Just be carefull if u get another honda or acura what ever…And tell your friends…I dont put this on a forum because I dont know if somebody that knows them is a member.
There’s a few EG hatches and Integras that race by my house a lot. I wonder what their deal is.
as much as I love love a 200hp 30mpg civic right now, i live on the west side and those dudes a few blocks west of me would for sure take it.
I saw a car matching the description today, somewhere don’t remember, but when u posted the pic it was a lot lighter green and I think it had hubs on it. Sorry, not very helpful I know.
wtf… that is so shitty… sucks even more that it probably IS in pieces by now…
is this a factory color? i seen one today driving matched the picture perfectly. driver was a darker skinned (not black) with like a rough unshaved face. i was next to him at an intersection
the thing that sucks the most it that he had just paid it off… the only debt towards the car he had was the personal loan he had taken out bc he blew the d16 and just had hybrid do a stock swap… the thing had a ton of life left in it and he was planning on running it till the personal loan was paid off but i guess some fucking scumbag just needed it more than beast did. pretty gay
They are HUNTING stock hondas right now. with gas prices so high people are selling 10 year old geo metros for almost what they were new. I cant imagine how high in demand parts for hondas are right now. Or if he could get away with it, a whole honda. fuel efficient used cars have done nothing but go up in value the last 6 months
That shit blows dude. If my DD got stolen right now, Id be super pissed too, and my DD is beat. :lol:
Ugh. Best wishes.
My old Civic that I sold my friend was stolen about 2 weeks ago too. Pretty disgusting how people can have the nerve to steal someone else’s car.
jesus! im locking the cackord and taking the keys out of the ignition from now on. but who would really want that pos?
i always leave my keys in the ignition. it would totally wake me up if someone took it though it is rather loud. i could always chase em down in the bimmer haha