so how many of you get pulled over almost daily?

So you have illegal tint (I don’t care what your WS cop buddy said) and you get pulled over.

Oh the injustice. :roll2:

I live and work in Amherst, and work less than a mile from APD headquarters. I’ve gone through 2.5 sets of rear tires on the GTO in the 8000 miles I’ve owned it so you know I’m basically driving it like I stole it most of the time. It’s arrest me red with chrome wheels. I have never been pulled over in it. About 80% of the time I will meet or follow an APD car on my way to or from work.

Moral of the story. Don’t put obviously illegal shit on your car and as long as the cops don’t see you doing something stupid they won’t pull you over. You can have a flashy car, it just has to be a flashy LEGAL car.

Or take Violators advice. Move somewhere that the cops are so busy with real crimes like murder they don’t have time for tints. Just the kind of place I want to live. :smash2: