so how many of you get pulled over almost daily?

So you have illegal tint (I don’t care what your WS cop buddy said) and you get pulled over.

Oh the injustice. :roll2:

I live and work in Amherst, and work less than a mile from APD headquarters. I’ve gone through 2.5 sets of rear tires on the GTO in the 8000 miles I’ve owned it so you know I’m basically driving it like I stole it most of the time. It’s arrest me red with chrome wheels. I have never been pulled over in it. About 80% of the time I will meet or follow an APD car on my way to or from work.

Moral of the story. Don’t put obviously illegal shit on your car and as long as the cops don’t see you doing something stupid they won’t pull you over. You can have a flashy car, it just has to be a flashy LEGAL car.

Or take Violators advice. Move somewhere that the cops are so busy with real crimes like murder they don’t have time for tints. Just the kind of place I want to live. :smash2:

even in west seneca ochard park or anywhere else i drove i didnt get messed with. also i put about 5000 o it this sumer ans went thru 4 sets of rer tires in that 5000 lol

Don’t want a problem? Take the tints off… simple as that. Otherwise deal with it I guess.

Seeing as you own an import though, that could be the reason. “imports” seem to be associated with “street racing” these days… they’re probably partially profiling you based on the car you drive, especially if it looks modified. Cops are cracking down on it everywhere (street racing)

sucks for the import guys… good for us domestic folks :smiley:

almost every car I’ve owned has had a straight thru exhaust and only had a problem once (didn’t get a ticket)… all the other times I got a compliment from the cop and he just told me to drive safe. I’ve never once heard that from my import friends when they get pulled for exhaust

Are the HID’s stock? If not they’re probably illegal too. NY has some very strict laws regarding light modifications.


when i had my yellow scirocco it lasted less than a summer due to being pulled over weekly. I got over 10 exhaust tickets that summer, and i had a street legal techtonics tuning exhaust with a borla muffler. It was peppy, but no where near illegal. I carried the “street legal” papers in the car with me and showed it to them also, but they still gave me tix


That’s because your exhaust isn’t legal. The law states anything louder than stock is illegal.

most I ever got pulled was 3 times in one day and 6 times in 1 week by my standing average since I’ve been driving is about every 8 months

My car has an exhaust and is red. Its a Sunfire but still I get bothered, usually in some towns more than others tho.

Up here I dont have too much of a problem unless I do something stupid but in Rochester and my little town there, the cops are always looking to pull over a kid driver. I got things for “Turning my music up when the cop pulled behind me” when I actually turned it down, “Speeding” when I was going 32 in a 30, and other random stuff such as my exhaust, neons, etc.

You are a kid. If your car is modified then you are going to have to live with it.


or neither?

im an 18 year old kid with a reasonably nice car.


I doubt they mess with you because you are 18…driving a vdub. I was 18 when I had my tints put on so I don’t see the logic.


My car has an exhaust and is red. Its a Sunfire but still I get bothered, usually in some towns more than others tho.


So put the stock exhaust back on. Is the 2 HP you’re probably gaining worth giving the cops a reason to pull you over?

I don’t get the mentality of “I break minor laws, why do cops in quiet little suburbs harass me”. Quiet little suburb cops have the advantage of not being busy with major crimes, so they can enforce minor traffic violations. The fact that 16-24 year old kids think they should be exempt from these traffic laws doesn’t magically make the laws null and void.

The problem is West Seneca/Cheektowaga
I don’t think there are more corrupt cops than in those 2 areas.

I never get pulled over in Amherst.

dunno i’ve only been pulled over in my car once… 20% tint all the way around (or so it was metered), loud, big wing at the time. pretty sure my car would attract more cop attention than a gti with hid’s.

you must be doing stupid shit frequently

I don’t understand how you people get pulled over…

The Firebird has no mufflers/no cats and dumped exhaust…No issues…


I don’t understand how you people get pulled over…

The Firebird has no mufflers/no cats and dumped exhaust…No issues…


That’s just because APD is down with your siqqness.


I don’t understand how you people get pulled over…

The Firebird has no mufflers/no cats and dumped exhaust…No issues…


Almost makes you think that there’s more to the story, doesn’t it? :sword:

they think its the shermanator and dont bother him


I doubt they mess with you because you are 18…driving a vdub. I was 18 when I had my tints put on so I don’t see the logic.


theres way more done to my car than just tint.


im 17 and drove a red camaro all summer with no problems and ive done lots of stupid stuff im either lucky or know the right people


First step to recovery is admitting your an idiot. :clap:

Also thanks to the Subaru (or whatever car) it was on the Thurway last night near the Walden exit who was speeding behind me and took the hit from the cops :tup: from you.

i got pulled over once this year, and once the year before. 3 years ago, quite a few times… my driving apparatus is completely clean…

same here i have a perfect driving record right now no wrecks or tickets