so i finally changed my tans mount..

but, now i have a metallic rubbing sound coming from the tranny… it goes away when i push in the clutch though. Any ideas?

throw out bearing

pain in the ass to change or no?

basically changing clutch

never done it… i can see some busted up knuckles next weekend


you think you m ight have time next saturday to look at it?



yes,but jeff’s closer to u!

ok well either of you… i could really care less i hear great things abotu you both… just been awhile since ive been down.

would be nice to see u,but spangs making some hot honey marrie him the week end,so u better be early!

Input shaft bearing…

If it was the throwout bearing the noise would be the opposite. (Noise with clutch pressed in)

Check your fluid level? Low fluid will eat up bearings pretty quick…

not always^

Care to ellaborate?

I’m by no means a transmission expert. I just had the pleasure of an input shaft bearing going out in my truck. Learned from what the mechanic at the trans shop told me…

im not saying ur wrong,the bearing i see it happin both ways!!

The NV trannies in Jeeps seem to all make that noise, and it goes away when you push the clutch in. Is it loud as balls if you shut it off, but quiet if you shut it off with the clutch pedal depressed?

Gotcha, I was just wondering… Ya know, future refrence kinda thing…

stangs use cable clutch not hydro. and must stangs sound like birds chriping when throwout bearing is going or gone

I didn’t specify, my bad… I meant the gear oil…

Didn’t know about them not having a hydro clutch tho… Good info…