Obviously you dont know how to sell something to someone then. If you walk the walk and know how to talk the talk, the prosecuter will respect you and as long as you dont have a big file of previous offenses, it will show him that you did your homework. If you are a baller and $$$ is no object, then sure hire a lawyer, and let him do the same thing that you can do yourself. I gotta ask you tho GSTairs, how many times have you been in court? How many tickets have you gotten and how many tickets have you gotten out of? If this site had a list of how many tickets you have gotten since you have gotten your license and averaged it out to see how many tickets you get each year, I would probably be in the top five. I am by no means bragging about this but it is what it is. From the sounds of it, your the type of person who shits his pants when he gets a ticket. Your the type of person who doesnt eat before your go to court because you have butterflies in your stomach. The majority of us on this forum are poor. We cant afford to go out and hire a lawyer for every little offense. I gave my advise with the thinking that he doesnt have a lot of money to spend on this. If you can get a public defender, the DEFFINTIELY do that, but the chances are that you wont get one. Publice defenders are reserved for people with SERIOUS crimes, ie. DWI/DUI, Hit and run, ect. DONT WASTE YOUR MONEY IF YOU DONT HAVE TO. But on a side not, thank you GSTairs, because of people like you, I will be a rich bitch once I am out of law school. I love all the people who get tickets and run to their lawyers because they think that its a huge deal. EDUCATE YOURSELF BEFORE YOU TAKE ANY ACTION!
Umm you don’t have to be a dick to her, she is just saying that not everyone can goto court without a lawyer and fair as well as you have. And btw a suspended license is a AUO to begin with and you cannot get it reduced from a A to a B considering a B is a more serious fine so maybe you can go and EDUCATE YOURSELF… and I only paid $250 for a lawyer who I didn’t even know before hand